
Isn't it better just to laugh at idiots instead of getting angry?

by  |  earlier

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Im talking about those who say something stupid to you just to make you angry bottom feeders ..i used to get so pissed but when you really sit back and examine them they are so funny .




  1. always

  2. i think that they are just so obnoxios they do it on purpose to see what you do and so if you laugh then its not fun for them

  3. they usually do it for attention. they like it when you react. it is really funny if you think about it because they have nothing better to do except cut people down for no reason!

  4. You have to meet people where they are.  No sense having the same expectations of child as for a mature adult.  As you have figured out by now, some people are adults physically but are mentally still children.  Don't waste all your energy on a fool.  Save it for something that matters.

  5. my boyfriend always laughs and it PI S S E S people off so bad.

  6. I always say, "it's people like that that make life so easy for me"    meaning, they are so stupid, that I prosper in life so eaisily

  7. That's what I do.  Once, my mom asked me if it bothered me when people didn't like me or said mean things to me.  My response was "No, I think it is funny as h**l."  If you waste a minute being pissed off at some loser, that is 60 seconds of your life you will never get back and it just isn't worth it.

  8. Who's stupider, the idiot, or the guy laughing at the idiot.... I'm not even sure myself, but yeah you should probably still laugh at them, cause that's life!

  9. better than going nuts Laugh even if it is Freudian

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