
Isn't it better to have an abortion then for a fifteen yr old to quit school and wreck her + the baby's life?

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While i completely understand that the killing of a life is a terrible thing, isn't it better for the baby, and the mother, if the mother gets an abortion? could you imagine having to quit school to take care of a baby you didn't want, but you didn't have the choice to abort it? and what about the child? a fifteen year old couldn't make enough money to support herself and a child. The child would probably suffer from malnutrition, wouldn't get an education, and the mother wouldn't have many options for jobs would she? Think about it. Do you think an abortion, the killing of an embryo that is yet to experience emotion, is worse than destroying two lives?




  1. 1) Abortion is not murder.

    2) It's up to the 15 year old to decide.

  2. If you don't want the child, please consider adoption instead.  Abortion is something you'll probably never forgive yourself for.  Do something wonderful for your child by giving it a loving home, even if it's not your own. Here's an adoptive story for you, I hope that it helps:

    Washington Supreme Court Justice Faith Ireland has revealed on statewide cable television that she had gotten pregnant as a single college student and gave up her baby for adoption.

    In an interview shown Thursday night on TVW, the state version of C-SPAN, Ireland made public a 35-year secret known only to close friends.



    "I've made mistakes in my life," said Ireland, 57, who was elected to the Supreme Court in 1998. "When I was a college girl, I got pregnant out of wedlock. I made a decision -- the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life -- to give birth to her and give her up for adoption.

    "That was for a long time one of the worst things that happened in my life," she told TVW President Denny Heck, who hosts the show featuring interviews with state officials. "But I came to see it as not the worst thing that happened in my life, because I felt that I had given someone else something, a priceless gift."

    Ireland said she was motivated by a desire to give back to the public by telling a story from which others could learn. She also thought she could be a role model for people in the adoptive community.

    "I was speaking mostly to people who find themselves in trouble of any kind, at some time in their lives," Ireland said.

    She had contemplated telling the story for some time, and finally decided to do so on the program because "it was a rather natural time and place."

    Before the program, Ireland told Heck the story and hinted that she might broach the subject on the air. For the first 50 minutes of the show, she talked about her hobby of powerweightlifting, law school, future lawyers and court decisions, but glided over a question about her family.

    Heck later asked Ireland what prepared her most for her role as a justice. That's when she talked about her parents' influence and the adoption.

    "I just think she was ready," said Heck, a former legislator and chief of staff to former Gov. Booth Gardner, who has seen other political leaders bare their souls on the program.

    Ireland said her experience helped her to gain empathy and to see hope in bad situations.

    "I felt that since I knew I was not a perfect person, I was better able to sit in judgment of other people who were not perfect people," Ireland said during the one-hour "Inside Olympia." The non-profit TVW reaches about 3 million Washington homes.

    She was a 22-year-old University of Washington student when she learned that she was pregnant. Uncertain about what to do and afraid to tell her parents, Ireland sought refuge at her church in Seattle one day. When she got there, the church was closed. So she went to a pay phone and called the church, hoping someone was inside. The call was connected to her minister in Lake City, who went to the church with his wife to counsel her.

    "They gave me the courage to go home and tell my mother and father," she said.

    Ireland said her options were limited in an era when unwed mothers were shunned and abortions illegal.

    "Times have changed a lot and people who are 22 now might not understand what the fuss is," she said. "They may not be able to relate to how serious the disapproval was for any kind of s*x out of marriage, and how difficult it was for anyone who found themselves in a situation of being a parent."

    She and her parents decided that she would have the baby at a home for unwed mothers in Colorado and give it up for adoption.

    In 1987, when her daughter was 22, Ireland registered with a Colorado agency that matched birth mothers with children. She waited, hoping her daughter would try to find her.

    Ten years passed before she and her daughter, Emily Cantrell, were reunited. They talked on the phone for an hour every Sunday for five weeks, before Cantrell, a New York City artist, flew to Seattle to meet her biological mother.

  3. The best option is Adoption

  4. Children shouldn't have s*x to begin with, so it's unfortunate that one would make that first bad choice.  

    Abortion would be a second bad choice.  

    Adoption would be the humane thing to do, always.  At least give the little life a chance.  A baby should never be punished for when/how she/he was conceived.

  5. For some people that may be the easy road, but nothing about raising children is easy. If the mother does not want to give up her life and raise a child she can put the baby up for adoption. And if she wants to keep the baby, thats not always a bad thing either. My mother was pregnant at 16 and now she has two grown children a great job and she has been married for 26years. Things can always turn out exactly how you want them to, just with some bumps along the way. Basically it comes down to the woman who is pregnant to decide. She needs to decide what she can live with. Whether that is aborting and moving on, adopting and having the possibility of a relationship later on, or keeping the baby and working to have the best life possible for both of them. This woman will need a lot of emotional support no matter what she decides. And no matter what, it should be HER decision because that one choice will always be on her conscience.

  6. Wouldn't it be better if the 15 year old never got pregnant in the first place or at least used protection to prevent from pregnancy? If you are not ready for a baby, its simple you don't have s*x. About the job thing, you can't get discriminated against for having children or being pregnant. Just because they were pregnant why would they have to leave school? Where i come from they actually provide free childcare for young mums so they can get there education. If your not ready for a baby why do they always choose abortion, what ever happened to adoption theirs loads of loving couples out there who can't have children.

  7. I know loads of people that have had babies in their teens and are doing a good job, I think the problem with the society we live in is that people judge others actions all the time. It's ridiculous, who are we to say what's right or wrong about other people's lives? I don't condone having children in your teen years, but only because I know what hard work it is and having a baby, here's the thing though, it doesn't get easier just because you're older. It's always going to be hard work.

    Having a baby in your teens doesn't necessarily destroy your life, it's what you make of the situation and how  you handle it. Being a parent is a beautiful blessing and everyone should embrace it regardless of you age....

  8. Who are you to say its better or worse? This is why there is a little thing called choice.

    EDIT: why do people like you always make a point of saying 'if you have a baby at a young age, it will destroy your life?' IT S H I T S ME TO TEARS!

  9. Honestly,

    I am some circumstances. I think if you are having s*x and it's an accident, you should atleast have to feel the pains of pregnancy for 9 months. Adoption is ALWAYS an option. Not only would give the BEAUTFIUL gift of life to a couple who couldn't have a baby!

    There are many more options out there aside from dropping out or an abortion. Not to mention, how many parents would just throw their pregnant daughter out on the streets?

    Had the poor 15 year old been raped, or the health of her or the baby was jeopardized, an abortion could be an option, but I think it's every woman's own choice.

  10. And this is why 15 year old children shouldn't be having s*x, because when it comes right down to it, making decisions like this are hard for adults to overcome, let alone an immature mind.    15 year olds can not consent to anything medical, which is why they can not consent to an abortion, so maybe instead of rolling the dice and having s*x without protection or anything else of that matter, they should think of condoms or the other consequences, but wait...teenagers don't do that.  They don't think of these things, many ADULTS don't think of them, but an adult can make a medical decision for themself.  

    I am by no means against abortion, however I am against teenagers thinking it's the best decision to make, when the best one was not to have s*x in the first place.  An abortion is not a cure all for the underlying problem of teenagers having s*x.

  11. NO as if...

    if your not ready to be a parent you shouldnt av s*x! its the simple facts.

    abortion is HORRIBLE and got yourself into it. dont kill to get yoruself out of it..

    think of all the ppl who try so hard for a baby and cant and they WANT ONE.... give your baby to one of these couples..... you dont have to raise it. but you should keep it till its born.

    if you kept it there is gov welfare payments to help you and the baby. and you can work. and you dont have to quit school!

    its murder

  12. I think about real life and can t see a 15 year old taking care of a baby.In dreams maby yes,but i think it s better to get an abortion.It s not easy, it will remain for the whole life, but it s more fair than to have 2 unhappy perple.That s just my opinion, eaven if i think it s better to use contracceptions rather than make that decision

  13. Just because shes 15 dosnt mean shes not capable of looking after a baby. Why will it suffer from malnutrition???

    So thats like saying a mother whos 25 has a baby and has no job... Dose that mean the baby wont suffer from malnutrition because their mum is 25.

    No it dosnt.

    It dosnt matter what age you are when you get pregnant, all people are diffrent and all people have ways of coping and some teenagers can cope in situations where adults cant.

    Just look at these teenagers who are 12 and 13 and they look after there sick parents full time. They do fine.

    This girl has got pregnant, she needs to face up to that and if she wants to keep the baby then the best of look to her. Because i think thats facing responsibility. And i dont belive in abortion.

  14. Okay let me tell you the story of three 15 year olds that got pregnant back in 1977, well one was six months pregnant when she had her saline abortion (which she spent three days in the hospital delivering piece by piece), the other one wasn't so far along so her abortion was simple and then you have me, the third 15 year old who had a beautiful babygirl who now 31 years later is still the apple of my eye.  But the other two, well the first one who had the saline abortion, she is now severely bipolar and has never been able to conceive, the other who had the abortion eventually did have a child but she is severely handicapped and the scarring both mentally and physically from her previous abortions left the other 15 year old with severe medical and mental problems.  Now me, I have a grown daughter, who has been there with me and for me and who will be there for me in my later years, so I say all this to say, abortion has a lot more ramifications than just the killing of the fetus, it has long time life filled traumas as well.  The past does catch up with everyone, eventually.

    God Bless.

    Edit:  Oh and me having a baby early in life, well it kept me focused and grounded me, because only God knows where or what I would have been if I had not had that little girl, back then.  It in now way ruined my life, it enriched it.  

    God Bless.

  15. You're assuming that the mother would not be allowed to give the baby up for adoption, or if she chose to keep the baby, that her parents would throw her and the child out on the street.  Possibly that is true for some girls.  

    If one of my children had a baby, my child and my grandchild would live in my home until my child was able to provide for herself and her baby.  If that was when she was 25, fine.  If she was 40 and still living in my home, fine.  There's no limit on my love, and I would certainly have the means to provide for my grandchild.  If I needed to, I would pay for day care for my grandbaby while my daughter went to school, or she could finish her studies at home.  

    Your question is really unrealistic.  How many teenage mothers and infants do you see wandering the streets, homeless?  None...that might be a common sight in third-world countries but it's not a problem in more developed areas.  

    An abortion may be the easy way out.  For some people, it might be the only way out.  Never assume, though, that it's the best solution for everyone.

  16. In my personal opinion, NO.  Some 15 year olds want one and some don't.  I've answered this kind of question so many times I'm not putting in details, but if the person in question doesn't want it, they shouldn't be forced to have one.  If the person in question has any doubts, they shouldn't do it.  If the person in question will do it, they should have a support group/person for after the procedure.  Besides all that they should research about their baby before they do something permanent that cannot be undone as well as research the method used to dispose of the baby.  I don't judge because I am assuming the choice is hard enough without someone stuffing information and mean words down your throat.

  17. you're making a lot of blanket assumptions, there.

    first off, if the child (the mother, i mean) is left without resources or if it would jeopardize her health, then yes - she should definitely get an abortion.  a 15yr old kicked out on the street - and funny enough, most of the ones i've met came from religious homes - is almost guaranteed (in spite of personal anecdotes to the contrary) to wind up with a baby in care for neglect and/or abuse.

    however, if the child has backup from her family, then there is no reason her life should be ruined.

    and "all those couples desperate to have children" - how are they even a factor?  pumping out a baby for an anonymous "someone else" to adopt is being little better than a baby mill.

    if an anti-abortionist wants to push the adoption so-called option (it's not, once you look at the statistics), they better have a legal adoption contract in hand.

    ETA:  my best friend is adopted and has resented that all her life even though she was adopted into a silver-spoon lifestyle.  one of her favourite taunts - still is - "it's not like you're even my real mother".  her biomom was on heavy street drugs when pregnant and my friend shows the effects.  it has caused all kinds of hardship and heartbreak for her and her adopted mother, a failure to bond being the least of it.

    i've had four abortions - none of which i regret because tehy were all necessary - while i am a "natural habitual aborter" (meaning i miscarry at the drop of a hat) it's very little to do with having the abortions and everything to do with a genetic problem i was born with.  i also have three beautiful daughters, the oldest 22yrs and the youngest 15mo.

  18. but in the first place,she shouldnt have did that.

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