
Isn't it crazy how mom could take HIS side!!

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My mom asked we wanted pizza i said yes my brother and sister said no they just ate. I haven't ate all day b/c i was reading my new book (Breaking Dawn). So she said fine i'll buy one box. so i eat 4 pizzas. and my mom eats one. there is only 3 left. I left them for my sister, b/c she's only 8 and i know she is gonna want some later on and she was just to "young" to realize it. So my fat brother comes over and says

"You fatie u ate all that."

I told him "i was hungry and he wasn't going to eat any so i don't see the point of not eating how many i want"

Then he was all like "u should've known i was going to eat some. b/c u do that."

"i said well u should said it earlier while ithere was alot."

he starts to eat one and i said "those are for sam!!"

then he says, "we'll see about that"

we start yelling about our points and he says he's been loosing wait and i say u still have boobies he insults me

then isay

"im srry u should've known better i underestimated your size"

then he tackles me!!!! i start screaming and my mom comes out and tries stop so when i was distanced i threw a pizza crust at his head.

my mom takes his side. no ****!

she favors him over me.

whose fault was it?




  1. You were both so immature!

    Why would you throw a pizza crust at him, that's just ridiculously stupid

    You both obviously have a lot of growing up to do.

    He shouldn't have started it and you shouldn't have gone along with it.

    You can't point the blame at simply one person.

    Apologize to him and maybe he'll do the same.

    but for some one your age to be acting like that is insane.

  2. Sooooooooooo his fault!

  3. i think it was both of ur guys fault  

  4. Cry me a river, thats just life.

  5. That was totally his fault!!!

  6. You guys are teenagers, and that's what us teenagers do. Siblings fight. And it doesn't seem like your mom took his side... as far as she knew, you were yelling at him to begin with. No need to make the Pizza Night from h**l a worldwide issue.

  7. his fault .....he said he didnt want any pizza then goes and eats some!

  8. you arent fat at size 3 and you almost started a food fight in her living room or kitchen... and how did she take his side?

  9. They both said they didn't want any pizza, you shouldn't have saved them any.

  10. both of you are cus u shouldnt have been inmature about him acting inmature.

  11. Oh my gosh!!!! Its totally his fault! How unfair that is!!! (It happens to me all the time because my brother is 16 I'm 13 and my sister is 9) I'm always the one blamed! I see your point and how unfair it is!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I hate that so much!!!!!!!!!! **Tell your father about it!!**

  12. its his fault. his mom probably favors him more cuz u said ur dad favors u more right. so she might feel she has to favor him over you. but your brother sounds like a bully though. iwould def stand up to him

  13. the fight is both of your fault. but before that, it was his. he said he didn't want any, so he didn't want any.

    maybe you should talk to your dad about it >:)

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