
Isn't it curious that the Christians who pass themselves off as 'Messianic Jews' demonstrate no desire....?

by Guest34042  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike emulate the Jewish religion's emphasis on love of learning, but instead deny scientific facts with which they disagree?




  1. "Messianic Jews" is only a figure of speech to make them feel good and closer to the Bible God of Israel...!!!

  2. FALSE, Their teachings emphasize on love of learning. it is through studying that they came to their conclusion. Their conclusion may not be right or wrong as is the case with all other religions.

    Just because a person thinks science is a fact doesn't make it the same for everyone. Something is referred to as a fact when one believes it is true. just because one believes doesn't make it true or false. No Religion is based  on scientific facts. They all are based on History and Spirituality.

    just because one is a creationist doesn't mean they don't believe in science.

  3. (((Zilla))) Look at you, with your fancy badge.

    I didn't know the "Messianic Jews" were also Creationists. Oy vey. Makes them look even worse, since Judaism is almost entirely accepting of evolution (apart from a few very orthodox Jews).

    I've encountered these people in person. A few of them "walked me to the shop" once, and I thought they were perfectly nice (looked like orthodox Jews, so I assumed they just saw my Star of David necklace and decided to be nice). That was, until they started talking about how I was going to h**l if I didn't accept the Messiah.

    I had to walk all the way home with them following me. I almost cried!

    These people are, to borrow a phrase, "about as Jewish as a bacon sandwich".


  4. Is there such a thing as a "Messianic Atheist"? Hmm, what if I calimed myself to be a Messianic Athiest? How would Christians react?

  5. Yes, I agree. I echo everything Cher said.

    They definitely do not demonstrate any love of learning and knowledge, and instead ridiculously pretend to be 'Jews' by celebrating some Jewish holidays. I am talking about the people who were never Jewish in the first place.Calling themselves Messianic 'Jews' and denying the fact that they are Christians is offensive to both religions.

  6. Discord

    Yes, believing in Jezus, inherit sin, h**l, & "belief" being more important than action -- makes you NOT a Jew!  Also, wearing a kippah while worshipping Jezus does not mean your practicing Judaism.

    Would worshipping Vashnu of Hinduism instead of Jezeus, make you less Christian?

    Discord -

    You don't have a right to disagree with me.  Any more than I have a right to declare what you believe.  They don't get to call themselves Jews against our wishes.  

    So from now on I will declare that your beliefs include worship of Jezus as NOT GOD IN ANY WAY.  Everyone I met I'll tell them that actually, YOU believe in Vishnu & not Jezus.  You'd find it offensive, but can't image it from our perspective?  It's called identity thief & it's a crime.  It's a form of abuse, when done in a personal relationship.


    To the asker:

    Messanics support creationism?  Yikes.  Judaism almost exclusively supports evolution & has zero, zip problem bringing scientific knowledge into our religion & integrating it.

    This shows in yet another way, that messanics truly have the  same beliefs as Baptist Christiains.  Except that I don't see Baptists going around implying they are part of someone else's religion, nor all Baptists disbelieving evolution.

    The only instance I know of a Jew supporting creationism is Ben Stein.  If you read his writing carefully, to him it explains how the Holocaust could have happened.  i.e how God could let evil happen (I can't tell you how because his logic makes no sense to me.)  However, both his parents are Holocaust survivors.  His belief in creationism is a "breakdown", an inablity to deal with the horrors that happened to his parents.  At least as a child of a survivor myself, that's what jumped off the page for me.  I've seen an occasional squirly behavior or belief in other children of (cos), in order to deal wih this reality of their parents.  (Many COS from a very young age wake up at night to take care of their parent's nightmares.)

  7. not really, many "messianic jews" are just christians, and behave in exactly the same ways...

    for fun, look at revelation 2:9 about those who say they are jews and are not... but are the synagogue of satan...    fun is!

  8. yes they are in effect completely Christian in belief and practice. but they hold on to the title of jews, not because they actually practice Judaism but because they are part of htat people group. i mean i know atheist jews who will still come out and tell people they are jews. no doubt about it. so if you can have an atheist jew ( which should be a contradiction ), why can you not have messianic jews as a branch of Christianity with jewish people group identity?

  9. Religion demands you believe idiotic lies that a normal rational mind would laugh at the fact they think the earth is 6000yrs old should stop you from wanting a serious discussion. Would you ask a retarded person for advise on complex scientific issues, because the fact is evolution is complicated and above there understanding.

    It was a miracle humanity has reached this level the random mutations that have led to us almost escaping the revolting cruel thing that is nature. Maybe in time we will reach a state of mind where we leave behind the destructive animal still within many people. I hope others will catch up with me a world of rational easy going people would be great but when I read some of the answers i know they still have a lot of monkey and they keep passing on  idiot genes

  10. The Church Christ restored has considerable to do with all of Israel. (There were twelve tribes) Over a million missionaries have been sent out since 1830 to gather Israel. Jerusalem was dedicated many years ago for the return of the Jews. (Google; Orson Hyde)

  11. Because I have often answered questions regarding the denial of acceptance of modern biology, I have run across many of the Hebrew Christians claiming to be Jews at those questions.  

    Even Orthodox Jews who wish to take the Genesis creation story on a more literal level do not approach it from quite the same perspective and I've not met one who negates that life evolves ( and of course, as long as reproduction and genetic exchange takes place shall continue to do so )

    I recall even once making mention that sometimes the view of biology and scientific method is often a big tip off to first discovery of one who is posing to be a Jew.  

    Here in Yahoo, after noting a "Top Conttributor" who always proclaims herself to  be a Conservative Jew, for instance, displaying a purely Christian perspective of Genesis in attempting to deny the reality of evolutionary theory, it inspired me to peruse her past Q&A history and I discovered that  it clearly reveals that it depends on what the question is, whether she is Christian or Jew!  She answers some questions giving entirely Christian dogma, others she answers convincingly as Jewish and as supportive of Israel.  

    That type of duplicity is utterly repugant to me as it utterly disrespects TWO faith traditions.  Judaism does not teach that one must be a Jew to be blessed by God.  However  BOTH  Christians and Jews of integrity share the belief that one is not behaving in a righteous manner if you are bearing false witness against your neighbor.  I pray for the day when those Christians stop disrespecting  both faith traditions.

    I agree with you that at least a majority are creationists, as every one of them I have discussed the matter with has held the utterly Christian perspective that understanding of modern biology was a threat to belief in the Omnipotent Creator.

    I believe in God, that is my faith at work. I accept the reality of evolution. Faith is not involved in that.

    Intelligent Design, Creationism, whatever euphemisms they wish to name the Genesis story of creation in attempt to interject religious dogma into public schools under the guise of science, simply does not work as science. This is why it has failed and shall continue to fail in any court to be considered an “alternative” to a scientific theory. Scientific Method is what determines if something is science or not.

    The theory of evolution is as true as germ theory, gravitational theory, and other theories of physics and math that enabled you to type your question here for display on the internet to people all over the world.

    Biology shows us that rather than life appearing on the planet *poof* in six literal days, as long as life exists, creation continues!

    Biology does not support or negate a God.

    The same Torah that the Genesis creation story came out of is the same Torah those fundamentalist literalists deny in their commandments! They will argue viciously for the creation story but just as harshly argue that the "Old" (eternal it says in the scripture) Testament has been "done away with" or "nailed to the cross". Religious dogma has no place in a science class.

    It is NOT faith in God that is *threatened* in the fundamentalist literalist, but their SELF-CONCEPT! Our psyche is a wondrous thing. If our self-concept is threatened, the self-protective mechanism of DENIAL kicks in to prohibit the shattering of self to be replaced by one that is unacceptable to them. That EXPLAINS why they simply cannot see the literal mountains of observable, tested, verified, physical evidence that is SO VERY PLAIN to see to those whose self-concept is NOT threatened to KNOW that they too are an animal affected by the same biologic processes at work in all life. They are unable to consciously process things that would replace their self-concept with one that is degrading to them. So many of them are completely revolted by the notion that they are an animal.

    Science is a method and not an entity. Scientific method does not address God belief, so it is only atheistic to the aspect that it does not address any faith in any deity one way or another. That is because we have no objective physical evidence to apply to the steps of scientific method to determine one way or another the reality of an Omnipotent Creator. Until that time, faith, belief, religion...are outside of scientific method.

    There is no belief, meaning faith, required for evolution to be accepted as real.

    Neither is it the case that evolution as a biologic theory, threatens or denies the existence of an Omnipotent Creator Deity. Scientific method does not apply to this issue because we have no objective data to put to the method to determine one way or another.

    Evolution isn't a threat to belief in an Omnipotent Creator. It is a threat to the SELF-CONCEPT held by people who accept certain religious beliefs that formed such a self-concept in their adherents. My faith in God is not threatened by scientific method. My faith teaches me to test what I know to make sure it is real. If there is an aspect of dogma that I accept and it becomes threatened by objective evidence, perhaps that is an aspect of belief that should be challenged.

    Science is a method, steps to discover knowledge of the universe. It primarily answers questions of why and how, not who.

    One may seek and find knowledge by using both in their life. I do and I understand their differences and their limitations to connect to one another.

    Homo sapiens has become Homo technos. We have lost something since we have gained technology. Our human ancestors once recognized our connections to all other life. Now we separate ourselves, and not to our psychological benefit, I might add.

    Since we do have greater technologic capacity and ability to manipulate our environment, it makes the case for damning the human species all the greater. With our greater skills, we should be greater caretakers of this earth we have "dominion" over. A good ruler cares for those under his care. Humans are not even taking care of each other, much less our other ape relatives. There is nothing demeaning in recognizing your relation to other animals.

    It can, in fact, empower you with empathy and understanding and perhaps let you realize how we as just one species on this earth have such a great impact on all our relations.

  12. Gee, your not stereotyping are you?

    I guess all Christians act exacly alike.  

  13. I hadn't realised the Messianic "Jews" were also creationists!!  It shouldn't surprise me, since they are based in fundagelical Christianity.  

    It's certainly true that almost all Jews are well-read, often of a scientific bent even if having no expertise in science as such, and that there are many top scientists (out of all proportion to their numbers) among Jews.  And the capacity to argue with rationality and logic is greatly prized among Jews - hence, probably, the massive preponderance of those who accept evolutionary theory as good science.

    Wouldn't it be great if it was Jewish commitment to learning that the Messianics wanted to emulate? - rather than distorting our festivals and practices.

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