
Isn't it disgusting that people view breastfeeding with disdain?

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If anyone had ever said something like this to me when I breastfed and I did so for a grand total of SIX years (2 years per child) I would have clobbered them.

Do people ever wonder why North American kids are so sick in comparison to kids in other countries who are breastfed? In any case, women have the right to nurse and whoever doesnt like it can go bury THEIR heads in the sand.

I'm glad these women did what they did. The fact another woman found nursing offensive doesn't say a lot for women who think like her as far as I'm concerned.




  1. It's messed up people view breastfeeding with disdain.  It's God's natural way of feeding your child and the best and most healthy way.  It is really sad how something that has been here since the beginning of time for our babies has to be viewed with disgust. I am in my 5th month of pregnancy and I am greatly looking forward to breastfeeding my baby with pride.  

  2. Ya, I completely agree, it's ridiculous.

    Breast feeding is a natural thing.

  3. i could understand if we were a country where seeing a womans body in any way were considered offensive and wrong (like in the middle east) and not being able to breastfeed in public. but the fact is that almost everybody finds it completely acceptable for women to wear practically nothing. but if a woman breastfeeds in public with all of her body covered it is somehow "disgusting", wrong and the woman should be "ashamed" of herself.  people are just misguided and for too long b*****s have been thought of as sexual objects only and not for their true purpose.   whatever, when i have my baby i am planning on breastfeeding for as long as i can and will definitely do so in public.

  4. im breastfeeding my baby right now and typing with 1 hand =)

  5. Brass Monkey----> I could not agree more!! You said it best!!

    I breastfeed my baby whenever, wherever. If someone has a problem with it, then they can leave or eat their own meal in a bathroom stall

  6. I don't have a problem with breastfeeding as long as it is done discreetly.  Whether you like it or not that is the accepted manner in the US.  When nursing is done in public places you really have to consider others' feelings on the topic rather than just jamming it down their throats.

  7. What I think is odd is how the people who have a problem with it often say that when you're in public, you need to consider oters feelings - I see lots of things I don't want to and no one takes my feelings into account.  I don't want my child to see people smoking - think it will ever be illegal to smoke in public?  I don't want to see morbidly obese women in tube tops - would anyone feel comfortable going up to one of those women and telling them what they are doing is disgusting?  I don't understand how people can take something healthy and say it's disgusting and shouldn't be seen in public, and then ignore unhealthy things as a person's right to do what they want.

  8. I formula feed but I don't see the big "deal" made over mothers that choose to breast feed in public. It would take a simple turn of the head if someone were offended by this.

    The only thing that gets me is when people say breastfeeding is linked to higher IQs. Yes, but it's only about 6-7 points.

  9. "I would have clobbered them."


    You'd have found yourself going to jail, then. That's called assault.

  10. What gets me is they think breast feeding is horrible, but wouldnt give a second though, or maybe even watch in pleasure if people were having s*x in the open.

  11. I don't know anyone who views it with disdain, it is simply a baby getting it's food. I still don't understand the big deal/debates/fights that ensue over the eating habits of a baby.  

  12. I completely agree. If you breastfeed your child will be so much healthier. My cousin and I are the same age and I was breastfed and she was bottle fed guess who's overweight? Her and she's failed most of her schooling. Breastfeeding is much better for the baby plus you get bonding time =].

  13. I don't see the big deal. It's just a baby getting food. What else are they supposed to do? Stop at McDonald's and give it a milkshake?

  14. I agree with you completely! I am the mother of five boys ranging widely in age and I breastfed them all for 2.5 years each. I did so often in public and when I did so at home, I did so without a top on. I am pregnant with twins and plan on having many more children and I will breastfeed them all - it is better for mother and child in so many ways.

  15. Everyone knows benefits of breastfeeding and I don't think anyone has a problem with it per se.

    But bresatfeeding in public in front of everyone! Come on.

    Whether you like it or not, b*****s are considered sexual in our culture and using them for breatsfeeding doesn't miraculously make the issue disappear.

    If they are not, why not just walk around shirtless in the summer.

    And why buy all the wonderbras and displaying your cleveage if it is just so natural...then don't wear bras at all! Let them hang!

    And would you think it is right that a busty 20year old sits around topless in front of your 13 year old son? Be honest! You would think it disgusting!

    So why be so hypocritical just because you had a baby! Nobody is saying let the baby starve - but does she really need to be fed in full view!

  16. Breastfeeding is not the problem--it's when mothers or kids lift their b***s in public and feed! They could at least walk to the bathroom or a changing room if they had to do it instead of flashing whoever walks by. I don't have a problem with breastfeeding. I wasn't breastfed because I was allergic to milk, so I was on soy. Breastfeeding is not bad. It does get a negative connotation though, because some women do it way too long--there are some 1st and 2nd graders that still breastfeed!

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