
Isn't it disturbing that this year's presidential election seems to be more about personalities than issues?

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Other than whatever their traditional stances are as reflected by their party affiliation, neither party has really had any cogent ideas about the issues. All they seem to be doing is attacking each other's inexperience and/or history. It's like political American Idol. Who's more popular personality-wise? Has America been dumbed down to where we can't have intelligent debate about issues and everything is a likability contest? How pathetic.




  1. Oh, so taking billions of dollars out of the defense to pad the pockets of the Government, and Foreign Officials, and allowing other countries to surpass the United States in weapon technology,  leaving the U.S. vulnerable for attacks like obama wants is not an issue?

    I sure think it is

  2. If that's the case, the Republicans don't have a prayer.

  3. usually is

  4. That's because it's all being driven by the lying liberal press. They think we are all too stupid to know any better and are, for the most part asleep, and can't see the truth amongst the hyperbole.

  5. Almost all election are about personalities. Nothing new here. It started with Nixon & JFK. Nixon lost because he didn't look well on TV

  6. Just waiting on the debates when the issues will have to be addressed.  

  7. I agree with Joe on this. The media is completely biased. Even MTV is the same. I cant tell you how many commercials Ive seen during the primaries where they advertise Obama and Hilary but dont even mention John McCain. Also, the elections have always been about personalities. Personalities dictate action or inaction. I agree that its a likeability issue. I've always felt that i didnt care if my favored candidate was popular. I dont need a buddy, I need someone who'll get the necessary job done. One reason I couldnt stand Bill Clinton.

  8. Why do you think Clinton got elected?

  9. obama started it, now the republicans are beating him at his own game and he is is a panic.

  10. I thought Obama's convention speech was all about the main issue of the election: Can this country afford 4 more years of the last 8?

  11. yes...but if they really talk about the issues i think many people won't like obama because he is a socialist...and most americans don't want that...

  12. It's always a likeability contest.  Republicans know they can't win on the issues, so they're changing the subject.

  13. I've seen a lot of issues discussed. I just can't wait to hear a debate. Obama's isolationist mercantilism approach vs McCain's free market approach.

    I don't see how Obama could win.

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