
Isn't it easy to see why Suppon makes the big bucks?

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I hated the move from the start, and every time he pitches he shows why he should not make close to the money he does. If I where Ned, the moron would be the highest paid batboy in MLB because he'd never throw another pitch in a game.




  1. He's an average 4th and a good 5th, but he shouldn't be making number 1 or 2 money. That's the reason why the Sox got rid of him and why the Brewers are now having to hold on to him. If Gallardo had been healthy and Capuano had kept up after his break out season, you would be happy with Sup eating up innings and being durable in the 5th spot but at 3 he's below average. Least you got Sheets and CC in the front end to at least get you two wins in any series they are both in. Any team with 2 power arms in the front of the rotation has a shot in any series and in the Postseason makes them all the more difficult to beat. It's tough mentally to come back after going down 0-2 in the playoffs.


    Haha, I was just about to ask a question about why Suppan sucks and why Yost doesn't pull him the instant it starts to look like trouble.

    Yost just needs to get with it.  If we're serious about getting in first, we HAVE to make smart moves!  He can't let Soup mess things up and give up 7 runs in an inning.  That's like handing 1st to the Cubs.

  3. If I were Ned, I would work for the Cubs.

    "I'ma leave Soup in so we can pinch hit the next inning. We'll bounce back. Just watch. He needs his chance to prove himself. Hilarious, we just lost the lead. McClung's not too bad at home, eh? Shouse's scoreless inning was nothing but a fluke. I was going to bring in Mota. OK, Rickie. Get us some 6 runs now. Hey, Rickie, your so fine... Braun needs to get out of this lineup. Shouldn't Turnbow be called up soon? I love lamp... I'm hungry... If we acquire Soria/Sherrill/anyone good, he's going stright to AA. Losing 2 of 3 to a last place team at home is nothing! Here comes the first place Cubs! Since Miller and Coors have now teamed up, does that mean us and the Rockies are buddies now? Carlos Lee sure looked good today. Hey Doug, cough up Braun, Sabathia, and Gamel for him."

  4. LOL, the Cubs have a guy like this too.  His name is Jason Marquis and prior to the beginning of the season, threatened to be traded if he wasn't in the Cubs starting rotation.  Man how I wish Hendry sent him packing.

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