
Isn't it extremely unfair for our war heroes?

by  |  earlier

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Combat vets, who have sacrificed so much for our country, are kicked to the curb and given a miserable pension by which they must survive the rest of their lives. Yet the government finds it logical to give out welfare checks to whoever walks through the doors of social services and asks for it. Most of the people don't need it, they can work, but choose not to, they aren't disabled, but they somehow they feel the need to live easy off the gov't because they're too lazy to get a job. And if they don't get welfare they complain like it's their right to get free money. I think the government should tightly regulate who it wastes its money on, not give it out like trees give out oxygen. And maybe some of the money saved should go towards helping the poor war veterans who are left to rot under freeways, in back alleys, and at homeless shelters. Does anybody agree with me?




  1. Your assertion is not based on facts!

  2. Take it up with J. Sidney McSame and the repeds.  They are constantly s******g our veterans while doling out billions of free dollars to Halliburton and the other corporate welfare recipients.

  3. I AGREE!!  and i also agree that the government should help out our own people and not hand out money to the lazy mexicans who come over here illegally looking for a free ride as well ....

    and i said ILLEGALLY too are you illegal?

  4. agree aholeheartedly. but you forget to add that the welfare recipients also get better insurance coverage than the average hardworking american.

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