
Isn't it fair for us to spend our money helping the Iraqis and Afghanis build schools?

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In my latest article, entitled "The Abused" I examine the effects of our humanitarian efforts and relate it back to those things I've experienced in my own life, here, there and elsewhere as well as explained by the most advanced scholar on what causes one to kill and how to prevent PTSD, LTC Grossman.

So often I hear this question.

Do our expenditures in a foreign country where the population hates us (or loves us) really help Americans?

What is the difference between the way the American Military and International NGO's help the people differ and why is one way so much more effective?

Doesn't it break down that trust when our Soldiers and Marines search a house?

Shouldn't we shed our weapons and just be nice?

For answers see my blog:

No politics. Only the truth. The groundtruth from a combat veteran that has been there.




  1. "Isn't it fair for us to spend our money helping the Iraqis and Afghanis build schools?"

    Yeah, but you can make an argument that we need to build those things here first.  Which takes precedence?  Note that I'm not against the war, it's just that I think this is a fair argument to make.

  2. John T, you just answered my question about the Army Civil Affairs unit...but the link to your blog didn't work.

    Could you repost it on my answer page?

    Sorry to contact you through your question page.


  3. Helping them build schools for education in their own country is a small price to pay for the hope of achieving world peace.

  4. America does give aid to many countries, but it is never without a price. We always expect something in return. I think we need to focus our resources in our own country.

    The war was over after we took Bagdad. What is going on now is the the Sunni/Shia fight for control of the government.

    We should not be using American soldiers as policeman. Five years was ample time for the Iraqi government to take over.

  5. Heck no! How would building schools get us any more oil? (sarcasm)

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