
Isn't it freaky when a plane flies low over your building?

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And all you hear is the sound of the engine getting closer and closer like as if at any minute its gonna fly into the building itself. I just experiences that just now - it always freaks me out




  1. NO! It's so awesome! I go outside to see what kind it is. I guess you really need to love airplanes.

  2. When I was in Thailand, the F4s used to fly over at many a hundred knots, and only a few hundred feet off the deck. It used to scare the schit out of us when we were playing frisbee or trying to enjoy a bone.

    By the time you heard them, they were gone!!!!

  3. First off, the pilot, contrary to popular opinion, cannot just troll around wherever he/she likes( unless a Prince, whose Mum has an Air Force) they are on flight plans and under fairly strict control. The penalty for infringements are severe, and to a real pilot being grounded is like being crippled. You lose the magic.

    So freaky isnt quite the right word. Scary, well no, if you think its that low you should be able to read the ID letters on it. If you cannot its high enough.

    But if you are really one of those who is sacred of an aircraft bumping into you or your house remember this.

    I spoke to a pilot who survived a crash when his aircraft lost all power , he was commended for missing a housing estate. His honest answer was, 'I aimed for the road becuase the houses would sure as h**l hurt a lot more'

    They dont want to shake your tiles, or scare your cat ( mostly see proviso ref princes) and unless you are really unlucky they miss most every time

  4. Yeah

  5. I am married to a man that is in the air force, so we live on base. When i first got here it was really scary. Sometimes I think that I am used to it and then at like 4 in the morning one always seems to really freak me out!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jet noise:  The Sound of FREEDOM

  7. no don't be such a coward.

  8. Yes!, thinking it would crash because of a terrorist maybe!

  9. Yeah it is ...but if your house is close by to the airport i think eventually you will get used to it .....well someone has to pay the price of development .

  10. Im sure i'd get tired of the roar happening at all hours of the night eventually, but as long as theres not a big boom followed by splintering house after the roar, I don't mind

  11. The COOLEST. I used to work at a Truss yard and we were under a tin shed which was STRAIGHT across the street from the end of NAS Jacksonvilles Runway. they were so low you could see the pilots faces. I also lived only about 3 miles from the base so we would hear them all night and day. But I love aircraft.

  12. I once did a gliding scholorship at RAF Linton on Ouse in the vigilants (motor gliders). The guy who was teaching me did a good demonstration of how effective airbrakes really are when landing; first we did a normal and un-eventful landing with the airbrakes, then we dimply did one with out them! We had to come down extremely low. We flew over a house that was close to the airfield and in line with the runway we were using and Im not joking, must have only been a few feet away from hitting the chimney as we flew over!

    Anyway when we landed it seemed to take forever to get the speed down. We used over half the runway before we had slowed down enough (which is alot for a small thing like the vigilant) to taxi off. But if you live in the house oppsite Linton airfield then sorry!

  13. yeah, definitely. I live about 15 mins drive away from our nearest airport so sometimes I hear them coming in to land and they come down pretty low!

    It kind of freaks me out when that happens when I'm on a plane too! hehe

  14. No way man, that's AWESOME

  15. It is. But i trust that it isn't going fly into my house.

  16. Funny you should ask this question. I live in a park home (large caravan) last night about 10pm I had a Chinook helicopter (twin rotor) fly directly overhead at low level not once but twice, the down wash from the rotor blades made my home shake violently, I'm considering a complaint to the R.A.F. I live in a rural area so there's plenty of open fields to fly over.


    I not anti-aircraft and I've nearly always lived close to airports, one house was about five mile from the runway and I could sit in the lounge watching the aircraft lift of the runway coming straight towards me, it never bothered me.

    I did put in a low flying complaint to the Ministry of Defence.

  17. Why so? Well, not freaky for me.

    Because they do have to land at some place/point.

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