
Isn't it fun to see Democrats jumping onto a wagon that's heading toward the junkyard?

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Who is Obama trying to kid with all those lofty promises when he will have no money to pay for them?




  1. Its not the first time they have done it.

  2. yes

  3. How is McCain going to pay for his lofty promises of drilling for oil, keeping Bush's tax cuts permanent, and building 100 new nuclear reactors?

    So far--he's provided few answers and fewer details on his plans.

    Just more of the same: "Trust me."-rhetoric which is what Bush used to s***w us over with these past 8 years.

  4. Oh, he will have money to pay for his promises. He plans to raise taxes on all of us. Higher taxes on retirement accounts, water, electricity, capital gains, when you sell a home and income tax. He also has a new World Poverty Fund. That should cost us all dearly. He is a socialist that plans to lower our standard of living.


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  5. liberalism is a mental disorder, and is dishonest!  It's only goal is power, power over those too uneducated to know the difference between freedom and serfdom!

  6. Being bankrupt didn't stop Bush from spending like a drunken sailor.  Where was your outrage THEN?

    Obama is saying we need to change our priorities...not simply increase spending.

  7. There ! there ! I Know Mommy dropped  you on your Head!

  8. You're so right. We should continue lining the pockets of the super-rich, raising taxes on the middle class, and spend a century in Iraq. Let's continue dismantling the Bill of Rights and ignoring the Constitution. I'll bet George Washington would just love no-fly lists, spying on US citizens, and the destruction of our 3 branches of government.

    You lose. Try again.

  9. No...FUNNY is watching all the chickenhawks SQUAWK about how much they "support the war in iraq" when they're too yellow to go fight!

  10. It's apparently the latest band wagon - and the followers are scraping their shins jumping aboard. It's powered by empty promises, hope and change, and it ain't going anywhere.

  11. Mich has enough junk in her trunk to get some fundage

    I'm figuring , maybe 20 bucks on a good day

    All in change of coarse

  12. That's fantasy on your part.

    I will tell YOU what was great fun, though. Watching the entire country careen over the edge of a cliff by invading Iraq, and then on the long, long, long way down start to hear people saying things like "There was never any plan whatsoever" about what to do once we got there, and never any plan whatsoever about how to get out."

    Yeah. That was a real hoot.

  13. The really funny part is watching them do it over and over and over again!

    They never learn.

  14. Well the Republicans have tried their best to bankrupt America, so Obama will have his work cut out for him. However, how does it make sense to elect people who want to continue to deficit spending well into the future? Just look at McCain's personal finance, he's horrible with money and has a 50K tab on his credit cards, and doesn't know how many houses he has. Imagine his recklessness with a much larger credit tab.

    I'll vote for the candidate with good credit and ample savings, thank you very much, Barack Obama

  15. better than an old guy who is going to die in a couple years and at least he is trying to find plans to help fix our nation

  16. i know

    its the blind leading the blind

    yes we can ..................   my butt

  17. I have voted for Democrats in the last few elections, no, this isn't fun for a # of us!  But what many don't realize is that if he wins, not just the Democrats will be the losers, so will the Republicans, unless you all plan on leaving the country!

  18. wow thank goodness someone thinks that!! Its even funnier and pathetic that people believe it!!

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