
Isn't it funny how 9/11 conspiracy theorists have prepared answers to certain questions?

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and that they have more than 1 profile that the use to make it seem like there are more of them on here?




  1. Dear Sir:

    Thank you for your interest in ________. Please refer to the _______ to learn more about the theory in which are inquiring.


    (insert name)

    so ummm, yes.

  2. what conspiracies are you busting,exactly ?

    you seem to work like mad to keep your feeble arguments on line but never respond to important questions.

    why are you defending fascist leaders ?

    why do you demonize anyone who dares to have an opinion different to yours ?

    who's paying your wages,dude ?

    do you have a vested interest in this ?

    you haven't "busted" anything,you're a self important little billy no-mates with too much time on his hands.

    if you can't see that the official report doesn't add up then there's clearly something terribly wrong with you.i suggest an immediate lobotomy.

    good luck suppressing free speech.

  3. It's also funny how none of them have an answer for these scientific facts which debunk their ridiculous theories:

  4. so you think there was no conspiracy? hmmm, so one guy planned, financed and carried out the whole thing? managed to fly two planes into two buildings, fire a missile at a third and miraculously make a fourth collapse?

    aye, that'll be right.

    look up conspiracy, then come back.

  5. Yes and yes. It's hilarious as is their habit to block anyone who has knowledge and busts their nonsensical illogical theories with logic and reason. They're self proclaimed "truth" seekers but continue to prefer the echo chamber of the movement and try to shut out and shut up any voice of reason confronting them with the facts.

  6. T H E R E   W A S   N O   C O N S P I R A C Y


    There was no conspiracy

    there was noooo conspiracy

    Now -what else do you want me to say?

  7. Not funny as much as really sad.

  8. Isn't it funny you are retarded to the truth and cannot see beyond your ignorant being.

    Look at the facts and analyse them and be objective for once. There are so many inconsistencies. Why would there be such inconsistencies? Why?

    If it is 100% terrorist act and done by the people we are made to believe and without the knowledge of the Yankees, then why are there so many inconsistencies?

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