
Isn't it funny how McSame is campaigning on change now?

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Leeguy, he voted for the invasion of another country for no reason, whoever voted for the war needs to be voted out of office.




  1. It is and it's not. How can it be. He's a republican just like Bush and Cheney. The Republicans are in power and so why isn't change occurring? Hmmm?  I think they are using any and every tactic that they think will get Americans to just go along with them like the puppets they think we are.  

  2. Of course - as the vice president picks demonstrate - with McCain the idea of change is more than just empty words.

  3. McCain is not a typical republican.  He's more moderate then anything, which is why staunch republicans have trouble with him running on the republican ticket.  That is partially why he selected Palin as a running mate.  Not only is she a woman which can pull some of hillary's supporters, but she is also a staunch republican which is settling the stomachs of some of those in the republican party not comfortable with McCain.

    Also, keep in mind that Hillary considers McCain a close friend outside of the campaign.  And McCain has also drawn the support of Joe Lieberman who just eight years ago was Al Gore's running mate on the democratic ticket.

    I think a vote for McCain is a vote for change.  We aren't getting and extreme democrat or an extreme republican.  We are getting someone who's views and actions already reach over party lines.  We'd have a president who's view lay in the middle of the political spectrum which is where I believe the majority of America's views really are.

  4. I give McCain kudos for finally realizing he has to take Obama seriously - the "celebrity" ads were just too dismissive and I think they undercut McCain more than Obama.

    But he really needs to take the fight to Obama if he wants to win. He's allowed Obama to keep the initiative - as exemplified by McCain's copying of Obama's speech structure and even stage layout. The energy policy portion of the speeches sounded almost identical - green tech, clean coal, except I don't think Obama mentioned nuclear.

    If McCain wants to stand out he's got to call out Obama on that lynchpin of the GOP - tax policy. It's not enough to claim that Obama will raise taxes (he said he would anyway, but "only on the rich"). McCain needs to point to Obama's oft-repeated belief that "the government can do better with rich people's money than rich people can" and decry it for being tyrannical. Otherwise, he's just selling more war to a war-weary nation and saying the economy is fine to a public that has been told by Obama that the economy is awful and he's gonna help everyone.

  5. Yes the liberals are scared to death

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