
Isn't it funny how basic / plain crop circles were in the 70's and over time become stunning works of art. ?

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It is so strange how aliens being so technology advanced had to perfect their artistic craft over a 30 year period.

1970's (scroll down)

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  1. I think the teams that do the circles are competitive, it's one-upmanship. Much like grafitti artists, I'm sure there's some form blazing competitive groups with more complex designs.

    The logistics of getting these things done in one night are incredible. They are using fractals as inspiration as well old mandala wheels which indicates that somebody, somewhere is intelligent and excellent at controlled design. Apparently, the farmers are paid for the crop damage on some occasions too. I love them!

  2. Well you know, aliens didn't even make crop circles until they discovered Earth 30 years ago. No other planets had wheat. So when they discovered Earth and saw this waiting opportunity to get all artsy-fartsy, I'm sure they were ecstatic. Sure, they started out slow, but they are learning. Leonardo didn't paint the Mona Lisa right off the bat either.  :)

  3. Know what?  I wonder how much more time it will be before "aliens" wise up and make "crop advertisement" for Nike, McDonald or Coca Cola. That is where the real communication is...

  4. Haha, they advanced. Or the people making them got craftier.

  5. its called evolution baby

  6. Cut them a little slack, it took them over 1500 years to figure out how to make pyramids for the Egyptians.

  7. Why is it funny or strange?

    When you teach a child to talk or read do you throw at them the largest most complex ideas? NO! Small words, baby steps.

    The people these are intended for are able to read what they mean.

  8. Not really,since the 70's a lot more folks are creating them.It stands to reason they'd improve.

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