
Isn't it funny how everything works out?

by Guest58438  |  earlier

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Palin said she is an excellent shot with a gun. Good thing; she's gonna need that talent for her daughter's up-coming shot gun wedding.





  1. Lol you funny :P

  2. Good one, Susan....Methinks Brooke has a bee in her bonnet.

  3. As far as her daughters pregnancy, congratulations to Palin for the addition to her family, she seems happy about it, that's what matters.

    As far as her shooting, I think she's a big phony. Anybody see that youtube clip where she tries miserably to shoulder that M-4? LOL, that woman hasn't the foggiest notion how to hold a rifle.

  4. Do you think Palan will revamp her anti-g*y rhetoric with forgiveness; in lieu that her daughter is a known sinner for having a child out of wedlock?

  5. Lol, that was good.

  6. Your cleverness knows know bounds.  You're sure to go far on your natural creativity.  Congratulations.

  7. Just curious, How many men did your mother lay on her back or knees for before she had you?

  8. She's certainly better than Cheney.

  9. Now that wuz funny !


  10. Funny....I agree.  However, I bet you are one of the sensitive ones that would have a heart attack if someone makes a disparaging remark about Obama. I still think that an old war hero with loads of Senatorial experience partnered with a Governor of a State (read executive experience...not to mention she is a Mom.  Mom's rule the world) beats the heck out of the alternative.  Just my conservative opinion!

  11. I know.  Those d**n conservatives and their teenagers having babies.  Don't conservatives want to teach abstinence before marriage???  Maybe she should have been teaching her daughter how to put a condom on the banana.

  12. you don't know Alaska very well do you? They have a shortage of women up there, I bet there are ten, maybe a hundred young men willing to marry her, baby or no baby........

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