
Isn't it funny how...odd ball keeps dissing scorpios?

by  |  earlier

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and he keeps getting negative feedback?

lol. and he claims not to have a predjudice...;_ylt=AhR5cVgBSFrUesUqkAYpCS7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080825182323AANgpjh&show=7#profile-info-ZtfmRWw9aa

thats a question he asked. just go to his profile and read his Questions and answers.

he's completely obsessed with scorpios. such a bi*ch..dont cha think?

i'm not doing this to be immature. i'm exploiting him. plz block him!

he's been harassing me and other people! just block him!!

*be sure to read his answers*




  1. In his case... Star = REPORT.

    Why do you think he has so many for so few questions?

    **JC- mission accomplished.  That  question of his has been deleted.  A 25 yr old making sexual comments to 16 yr olds is unacceptable.

  2. hes a freak whose ****** up in the head! he needs psychiatric help!

    aquarius w/ leo rising

    d**n veggie! u tell him!

  3. The whole thing seems pretty childish to me. Why does he post such pointless questions? And wasn't he the one that posted that question about you? That alone is reason enough for him to be hated. People who post questions about others are pathetic (I've been there.)

    He needs to stop judging a whole group of people by their sun signs alone. Its unfair and a little cruel.

    Aww. He's been harassing you? That's I think this guy needs a couple of manner lessons..and a spell check.

    Edit: Hehe. We've all got your back Shady ^_~. *Nudge*

  4. Lol...yes, it is funny and ridiculous. It seems he also has an obsession with Cancers now too....Ugh, sorry that you have to go through this Shady.

    Whoo! Go Veggie!

  5. errm . . . yea . . .

    i've been doing some observations, kinda reminds me of another user here or 2 . . .

    oddball and 2 other users, well i think they are the same user, but with different profiles. . .  not going to name who i think, as it might not be true, but the way they write and ask questions seems the same, as in their grammer and punctuation . . . dunno maybe its just me :S

    d**n mercury in scorpio!! :@

    but yea it is funny . . .

  6. O_O You ladies scare me... We're on the same side, right? Ladies...?

    You girls remind me of someone...

    *slowly backs away from question*



    But seriously, just ignore him. He's an attention w***e. Seeing you get pissed off pleases him. Just... ignore him. That's really all I could say about that.

    Edit: His question got deleted. I don't know if everyone saw it in time but Irish Sprite handled the situation perfectly. Report then move on.

    Edit: Check out Yamie's idea here:;...

    I think it's a brilliant solution and I'm all for it.

    Edit: I knew that the question would be deleted eventually, Yamie, so I saved what you said.

    "Reason for report: ILLEGAL-- threatening, harassment, harmful to minors.

    You are harassing a 16 year old over the internet with sexual innuedo. That is not only against Community Guideline. It is against federal communication laws. You can be tracked down by your ISP and sent to jail for a very long time. I suggest you go back to Polls and stay there. Your behavior will NOT be tolerated any more. I am starring so others will report also. I'm sure you noticed how quickly your other question was deleted?"

    I think he had two questions last night. Both of them got deleted, it seems. I'd like to think we've seen the last of him but that's unsure. The only thing that's certain is that if he pulls a stunt like that again, we're taking action.

  7. He's very immature to be posting such questions. What is so bad about Scorpios anyways?

    I think he's just an attention w***e, hopefully he'll leave soon. He has no life.  

  8. Yeah, I just got over it. It's his problem.  

  9. pfff..


    It's like,he has all these odd questions and then he gets a bunch of stars.

  10. Haha. Yeah now that you mention it he does seem to diss Scorpios a lot.

    Lmao, I already blocked him right when I saw that he was your new stalker

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

    Edit: OMG I just looked on his page and found this question;...

    Block him Shady, everytime he posts a question don't answer it. If he says anything too freakish I will scare him away, trust me. I know what to do. My best friend and my dad both work for computers.. Plus I have a family member whose a cop. ;D

    Edit 2: I think hes got the idea...

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