
Isn't it funny how people see homeschooling as so irregular?

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I mean, come on...there is honestly nothing irregular about homeschooling whatsoever. It annoys me when i see or hear someone talk about it as if it were some foriegn, possibly illegal form of education. What people fail to realize is that homeschooling has been the tradtional way of educating children long before anyone ever even thought of a public school system. Even one room school houses are in a sense closer to homeschooling than a class room of 200 + kids per class. I find it so odd, and terribly frustrating. I hate the "Your homeschooled?? It that even legal? Do you ever see people?" type lines. Not to mention the stupid arguments involving socialization. My idea of productive socialization does not include an environment of thousands of immature teenagers spewing foul language and developing insecure peer dependency, as well as different popularity stations that drive impressionable teens to strive for the top of the social ladder. I junt find this mind set so odd.




  1. I think other than insects, humans are the only animals who give our young to others for the majority of their childhoods. You know, in most of the world, they'd still find that barbaric, right?

  2. {applause}

    People are stuck in their little "thought boxes", if you will. I don't know what they think people did to be socialized before public schooling became the mode, but man...

  3. Well it's easier to farm your kids out to the public school and let them raise them!

    It's not exactly the normal thing to do for education any more and for some people any thing outside of the norm is bad!

    It can be pretty scary for some to go against the grain and since so many people don't know all that much about it any more they have to wonder.

  4. I think it's odd, too.  We have been so conditioned to believe that children need to be taken away from families and taught by "experts" that we feel it is odd to have parents teach their own children, even though children have been taught at home for centuries and homeschooling produces better results.

    Here is a brief history of homeschooling:

    Here's a list of famous homeschoolers:

    I find it interesting that most people don't realize many of our nations president's, heros and inventors were homeschooled.

    It is natural to teach one's own children according to their needs and abilities.  It is not natural to send them off to be trained to fit someone else's mold.  It does not work well either.

  5. I never thought of homeschool as irregular. In fact a few of my friends were homeschooled and I always wished I could be too. I think that the ones that are homeschooled are more advanced in their education because they are constantly progessing since they get all the attention and help. In a classroom, a teacher doesnt have time to really help each student; so theres always a few students left behind.  I too think that school seems more about popularity and being in the "in crowd" rather than getting an education.  I think if I was homeschooled I would have had a better education...sitting in class coloring in maps is not my idea of an education.

  6. just because the majority of people don't home school I guess. It definitely has its place. I am not home schooled but have a  few freinds who are - I'm envious!!

  7. I agree.  Did a combination of home schooling, public schooling, and church schooling.  All had their place and time, as it turned out.

    My kids came out well educated, and confident, and have done well to excellent where they have ended up.

    We always emphasized schooling, and never talked down to the kids, explaining words they did not know.  They have done well where they have ended up.  I am pretty happy with the results.

    I strongly support home schooling whenever possible,  The adults often learned things too!

    And you do not have to hold them back so No Child Forges Ahead! (NCLB)

  8. It is funny. It just isn't funny, "ha ha". It's funny "umm hmm".

  9. ha my friends homeschooled and i make fun of her for it but its fine with me :P but socialization has alot to do with it

  10. I completely agree. People almost look down on it, when, in reality, it's public school that should be looked down on.

    People are constantly saying things like "oh, your homeschooled... do you have any friends?"


    I don't simply sit at home all day and never go out into the world. People ask me how I make friends, and I tell them just like anyone else would.

    I'm just as social as anyone you will ever meet, and my SAT scores prove that I don't simply 'slack off'. So why do I get bashed?

  11. I totally agree.

    My kids and I live as if school doesn't exist, because in our lives, it doesn't.

    The whole world awaits!

  12. It goes against the grain of modern society, like being a farmer and killing your own chickens instead of going to A&P or Ralphs Market.

    It gets the same reaction as kids who want to become rock stars or movie stars or directors get.

    It gets the same reaction as people give to the Amish or Penssyvania Dutch

    It gets the same reaction as do families who don't own a TV set get.

    In another 25 years the attitudes will change because people will get getting Yale, Harvard and Oxford educations at home in selected fields.

  13. It depends on your definition of irregular.

    Here are a few definitions (marked with a #) from Princeton online dictionary and my comments (marked with a ***):

    # contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice

    * NOT contrary to rule but perhaps contrary to "accepted order and general practice."

    # not occurring at expected times;

    * Often true of homeschoolers.

    # of a surface; not level or flat; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"

    * I have an irregular surface and people have a very difficult time walking on me.

    # independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians"

    * Ha ha ha!  Homeschoolers independent in behavior and thought?  Yep!

    # merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name;

    * NOT merchandise and NOT for sale.

    # atypical: deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal;

    * This is the definition I think you actually mean. I don't have a problem with the deviating from normal expectations. I like that in fact.  Odd, strange, abnormal? Only to the lemmings.


    My irregular answer to your good question.

    Now that is funny and I don't care where you school!

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