
Isn't it funny that Gov Palin has 16 years as a govt official to Obamas 11?

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and she is an executive with more time in office in AK than Obama in the US Senate

its just laughable




  1. Here’s Barack Obama on his massive foreign-policy credentials:

    To counter opponents’ accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia. Now he has added a new personal detail to that résumé: a trip to Pakistan while a college student.

    Wow.  So his mother took him to live in Indonesia when he was eight, and he took a trip in college.  Meanwhile, Palin has governed a state surrounded by foreign nations.  Which has the practical experience in foreign policy and diplomacy?

    During the entire primary campaign, Obama kept telling voters that his judgment overruled his lack of experience.  Now, suddenly, it doesn’t — but that puts Barack Obama at the same level as Sarah Palin, or even below, as Palin has the executive experience that Obama lacks.   Moreover, Palin has spent her time in politics actually accomplishing reform and challenging the political machine in her own party.  Did Obama do that?

  2. LoL, she's getting a lot of fuss because apparently a woman needs to have twice as much experience as a comparable man in order to be 'a heartbeat' away from President.  

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