
Isn't it funny that RNC co-chair Jo Ann Davidson called Sarah Palin, Sarah Pawlenty instead..?

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  1. About as funny as when Teddy Kennedy called Obama, "Osama bin Laden" at a press conference.  ***

  2. No, it's not funny at all.  

  3. Cause she is in shock that McCain picked a pork barrel spending mayor of 6,000 over qualified people like Pawlenty, Romney, and Huckabee.

  4. Freudian.  She and many others had hoped for Tim Pawlenty but instead got Alaskatucky.

  5. It's sad when the co-chair of your party's convention doesn't even know you.

  6. People make mistakes.

    People like you are what's wrong with this country.  You think you're perfect, right?  You don't make any mistakes, because you're incapable of making them, right?

  7. No it's not funny.  

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