
Isn't it funny that as soon as the Portuguese give up looking for Maddie and go back to the Doughnuts and

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coffee, there's suddenly loads of sightings of her and new leads?

BTW I don't mean funny HA HA! as it must be heart wrenching for her parents




  1. i thin k funny means ha haa and doesn'tt mean heart wrenching. what they are going through would be pain not one bit funny

  2. Lmao I completely agree =]

    Bit convenient tbh.

  3. Maybe their informants are doughnut shop owners?!

  4. Are you sure they went back to the doughnuts and coffee and not to the pictures of little children... There are some people who are very inetersted in children for all the wrong reasons.

  5. I totally agree. They weren't even looking for her anyway. They were rubbish.

    I just hope the little girl is found before its too late :(

  6. Totally agree with Spencer D, this is all just a smokescreen by the parents and Clarence, it's a case of, "oh dear, see how incompetent the Portuguese are? Dear Maddy would have been found but for them.... " Ridiculous!

  7. Very convenient how all these apparent sightings are hitting the headlines acting as a smokescreen for the questions the McCann's should be answering.

    It amazes me how gullible people are to just take it all in.  

  8. yes but this is a year later and people are now looking at 4 year olds and she would be 5. It is amazing how different children become over a year so I would treat any sightings with some scepticism.

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