
Isn't it good to know that MPs have their priorities right?

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Yesterday Labour and the Conservatives debated a conservative attempt to stop the use of the public purse for furnishing MPs second homes. The proposal was defeated by 295 votes to 238. Isn't that an amazing number of MPs in the house? If 533 could turn up and vote on this issue why did only 22 turn up to debate knife crime recently?




  1. Sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.  Still very funny and I am not being sarcastic myself.

    The point you are making is a good one and I understand you.  Own MPs do not seem to care at all about the people in this nation of ours.  Then I look back into history and wonder, did they ever?  When Cromwell won the civil war and handed parliament to the people one of the first things that the MPs tried to do was vote themselves in for life.  At which point Cromwell march his army into parliament and more or less said "Oh no you're not" and went on to become Lord Protector.  Thus stopping them from ever trying such a thing again.

    It rather begs the question:  How do we solve the problems of our MPs and there skull-duggery?

    Further, I would like to point out that we do have a Queen,  what does she do for a living?  I was under the impression that the monarch was there to keep parliament in check.  It appears I have got that wrong.

    Short of becoming MPs ourselves there isn't much anyone else can or will do about all this legalise theft.

  2. Knives don't kill people- homicidal sociopaths wielding knives do...

  3. Its because we already pay to protect their greedy backsides from those weilding knives, they have security protecting them so they are not concerned with the plight of the little people. We are a means to greed for them and the sad fact is it will not change regardless of who is in power. The conservatives use this greed as a yard stick to beat the labour MPs with because they know it annoys the h**l out of Joe public, but they will, and probably already have used the public purse to their own benefit. x x x

  4. i agree.

  5. Knife crime will probably never effect them directly, but losing their furnishing allowance would.  

    And thats the type of people who run our country

  6. Sick. It sums it up really. These people do not care. They line their own pockets and the rest of us pick up the bill. I wonder sometimes why I bother working, why I bother trying to better myself. This Government just seems to be constantly s******g the honest working people.

  7. Absolutely, see Your Point. Self -Interest must always take

    Priority over  the Running  of the Nation.?

    This present Labour Administration, is as full of Sleaze, as

    was the Conservatives, under Major !

    It is about time that Parliament was dissolved, as happened

    in Cromwellian Days.

    The  Nation 's Populous, allowed to  vote their choice

    Get Rid of this Corrupt Government  !

    Why do these MP's, no longer have any Scruples ?

    Because they  are so well-paid, with Perks, for so little Work,

    they hold onto their jobs for   Dear Life....!

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