
Isn't it great that Biden finds Obama a nice, clean, articulate man...for a black guy?

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That's what he said during the primaries. Can't you feel the love?




  1. I remember hearing someone say that 'politics makes strange bedfellows'.

    Is that what they meant?


  2. Between Obama and Biden it will be quite fun to see which of them says the dumbest thing. Biden is not a bad guy when he keeps his mouth shut, but that is an impossible task for him.

  3. heeee haaaaaaaaa a new way! heeeeee haaaaaaaaa  

  4. So this makes 3 for 3 of the people on the top ticket people who misspeak.

    What's new?

  5. That is not what he said.  Quit lying.  He did say he was nice, clean, and articulat.  He did not say "for a Black guy."

  6. Right, only Biden didn’t actually say ”for a black guy”, but you know that’s what he meant.

    Man, can you imagine the outrage and screams of racism if a Republican would have sad what Biden said. Even though “for a black guy” was not actually uttered it wouldn’t have mattered at all. The loony liberal left would have tried to crucify any Republican/Conservative that said exactly what Biden said.

    But, in any case, I guess it paid off for Biden. Flattery will get you everywhere.

    Looks like Spiritual Coach  Lynne is attempting to create another “god-like” figure for the sheeple on the left to worship.


    VOTE McCAIN ’08

  7. it takes one to know one

  8. LMAO. Plus, wasn't there some big scandal involving him, years ago?

  9. Yes, clean means free of impurities so Joe has to learn to talk down to most Americans cause somehow they think that was an insult instead of a compliment. He didn't say for a black guy. If you knew anything about Biden you know he would never even think of such a thing which makes him very different from people of your level.

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