
Isn't it great that China got the olympics - a chance for the world to rub chinese noses in their own filth.

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Well done to all the protesters who are making the London torch parade such a memorable event.

I look forward to Dame Kelly extinguising the torch as soon as she receives it, in contempt of the Chinese treatment of the Tibettans.




  1. The filth, is the people who have introduced politics into sport, and are using the Olympics as a political weapon,may they all perish like a used condom in the sun.The Olympic athletes train to a peak over four years for this event   ,only to have it degraded by these political ffreaks,and i mean that with 2 F,s. There are many ways of destroying the good and noble things in life,the chinese dealings in Tibet, should not be used to destroy the Olympics, and the sportsmen and women, who have given up so much for 4 years to get there.

  2. Thats right! N while we're add it! im proposing we have a Gas-Mask 100m sprint event too! LOL

    Why do Pita bread cause constipation?

    Cos PITA means PAIN IN THE ***!!

  3. Well the only reason I think it's good the China got the Olympics, is for a easy chance for U.S. to boy-cot them. To show them who's boss. The Olympics this year has gone down so much with the protests for the Tibet people. I'm really kinda wondering what the Olympics will turn out to be this year.

  4. I can't see Dame Kelly doing that - dull as dishwater that one.

  5. I'm sad that politics have to be dragged into the Olympics. I'm not blaming you for having your stand or taking sides, but as an athlete myself I think it is really bad to boycott such a glamorous event.

    If you want to talk about plain politics, do you really believe all the Tibetans are so naive -their leaders are not. All of these are calculated into their predictions. I agree that China could have done a better job here, but its not enough reason to bring politics in here. I'm more surprised to know that more people thought that boycott is right.

    Its not. If people wants to uphold human rights get the UN to pressure China for a separate talk. Lumping these two together will only make China more resistant and harsh on her stand. Please realize that you and I are not politicians. If you haven't realize that China's policy-making is still partially democratic only, I urge you to think differently as to the best way to resolve this problem. Show some respect to the Olympics fire.

  6. Hey PP that's the Olympic spirit.

  7. The Chinese are the hardest working and most inventive people in the world.   Responsible for the manufacture of a large percentage of the worlds goods.   Without these goods the Western world would come to a grinding halt.   You and I would`nt be using these computers.   I`m not surprised they are angry with the Tibetans for using the forthcoming olympics to disrupt the country and blackmail the Chinese.   I don`t think an yone could blame the Chinese if they lost their patience and "took the gloves off".

  8. I have a big problem with China, the food and drug contamination, the toys, etc. that are harmful coming out of there, but it is people here in the US importing these items, China does not just send stuff over here for stores to sell, some one here makes the greedy choice to have it manufactured there and imported back to here. Do you know the US  sells (exports) grains to china and imports these same grains (probably contaminated) from there,  Also, most of you would probably freak if you knew how much money the US has borrowed from China. China is and always has been a strange place, with strange practices, some very disgusting. The good part is when it put limits on its population growth. This country really shows what happens when the population gets way out of hand. Of the recent Olympic issues the one that gets me is how the air quality is so poor that it can be bad for the Olympic athletes, especially the runners.

    JED, what you wrote is very true!

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