
Isn't it great that they finally caught the Serb wartime president Radovan Karadzic?

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About 13 years ago he was found guilty for genocide in the Bosnian war. He was held responsible for the siege of Sarajevo and the massacre of 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995.

He is the most prominent Balkan war crimes suspect arrested since late Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic was sent to the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague on genocide charges in 2001. It's easy to see that he is a war criminal.

It's odd how things go round and round. Now we've had the siege on the Holy City of Fallugah where at least 6,000 civilian Muslims were masacred. And Bush is the proud war president. Along with many others I hope to see President GW Bush at trying to defend himself at The Hague.




  1. You obviously will never believe the truth. But no one was "Massacred" in Fallucah as you claim. And Bush is not a war criminal as you claim, try calming down.

  2. yeah about time :) ...very happy about that ...he should burn in the outermost pits of h**l

  3. Are you even really an American?----If so you need to seek professional help-----and fast!

  4. No we need him and a landing party in Iran!

  5. Serbian nation is demonized by international media, it is a well organized way to have a scapegoat ( blamed for misfortunes distracting attention from the real causes ).

    Dr Karadžić is a psychiatrist, a poet and a politician blamed and falsely accused for atrocities in Balkans.

    Do not forget he is a suspect for war crimes not a war criminal.

    If loving your people and your country is a crime, then the justice stopped being justice.

    Clinton is the one that has to be in Hague, followed by Albright, Solana, Bush x 2 ..... endless list. And I hope they will. Amen.

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