
Isn't it great to see how many social conservative Republicans have converted to liberal Democratic values?

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I've seen so many Republicans on this site today stating with great fierceness that a girl's pregnancy is her own private matter,and must not be a concern of the public. That her and her families moral values are a matter of personal choice, of personal freedoms, that don't need outside interference from the public. Are they about to say government shouldn't be legislating morality?

Ah, so refreshing. Welcome to the Democratic Party!




  1. Well Democrats today are Republicans of the old lol. You guys started the KKK remember.  

  2. Yes it's funny to watch them twist there logic like a pretzel to support Palin. Wow it appears McCain picked a real winner with Palin, and she will be the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. yay!!

  4. N O ! !  ... That is some "stretch" you have going there !!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  5. Yeah maybe McCain is really a democrat "plant" and is being used to fool the republicans into voting him in.

    That would be cool.

  6. I think you are misunderstanding.

    THIER daughters' pregnancy is none of OUR business.

    Doesn't immediately follow that it works the other way around.

    One would think though that if Sarah is going to be the flag bearer for abstinence only s*x education her daughter really should be the poster girl for the inevitable result.

  7. too bad the liberals so many of hte liberals themselves have converted to 'no' values and have been slandering palin and her daughter and anyone else.  The democratic values of the past are not the values of many in the party now.

  8. Not me... No way i will give up my values to people who slime others family's.. Word if they switched they were not REAL Republicans!

  9. Isn't that something? Talk about an about face.

  10. Nice point!  Thank you!

  11. No kidding.

  12. unfortunately this is a pure Republican stand, think about it small government staying away from individual rights, where as the democratic party (as of Late) wants the government to get involved in ever aspect of a persons life

  13. people should legislate their own morality, unfortunately, the Democrats take personal liberty too far from common decency.

  14. I guess that the Reps have been forced to ware the shoe on the other foot .  perhaps that is why Jesus said" let he who is with out sin cast the first stone" -and Jesus did not do so . That stone has a habit of coming right back at you.

    I vote for mercy compassion and understanding >

    Obama / Biden

  15. No, A democrat would have murdered the child.

  16. good point.

  17. How do you figure? As a conservative I am all about teens not having babies however stuff happens and my main issue is no abortion and guess what she is not having an abortion so how am I switching sides? If I was turning to the Obama side , I would be okay with her having an abortion in a couple months when she is even further along than she is.  

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