
Isn't it hilarious how up to yesterday Andy Murray was British?

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and now today all of a sudden he's Scottish




  1. Typical isn't it?

  2. Ah, tis the usual story my friend.  Still, by all accounts Mr Murray doesn't really want to be British.

    I can sort of understand, as I'm sure he's grown up, as have we, having sports people being British when they are good and Scottish when they lose.

  3. Yes, it certainly is hilarious how up to yesterday Andy Murray was British - he's probably got as much Scandinavian and Italian origin in him as the rest of the population of the UK - and we've all been intermarrying for donkey's years now - Scots marrying English, Welsh, Irish partners and every other combination of that.  Guess his great great grandmother could have been from Yorkshire and her surname was Jones!

    Tennis is not a national sport it is a sport of the individual - talent v talent - nationality really isn't an issue.  I wish him well, even though he was described as looking like an unmade bed in a newspaper.  The spectators do not feature in a tennis match, unless that want to look foolish with silly union jack hats, waving flags and painting their faces.

    Little nationalists who have commented here - wherever in the UK they originate are an embarrassment to us all - and I am sure some of Andy's anti English comments will have been a great embarrassment to the many hundreds of thousands of Scots who live and work in England.

  4. And quite rightly so....


  5. Lol. He is loser. He behaviour is like a child screaming for ice cream.

  6. yep!! well you know it shows you how loyale his fans are!!!!!:)

  7. no change has been made..he has been labelled as playing for GB but has commented that he feels he represents Scotland rather than GB....that hasnt changed

  8. I am English but always a Yorkshire man

    first and foremost,he is a Scot and proud

    of it.I hate being called European or British.

    But there again, i am of the old school of

    being what i was born a Yorkshire man.

  9. No it isn't because this is not true. Nowhere have I seen Murray described as Scottish where yesterday he was British

  10. You are aware that Scotland is in Britain right?

  11. lol yes !

  12. Always the case - a Scottish person in sport is British if they win but as soon as they lose, they are Scottish.  It is really annoying. They are British whether they win or lose.

  13. that how life is

  14. Being english, in wimbledon I would rather have him playing for scotland, than great britain, even if the england players are nothing, id rather he didnt represent england. I am so glad nadal crushed him yesturday, put him back down to earth. He is an idiot! He will NEVER win wimbledon!

  15. Actually I think they should be Scottish whether they win or lose..

    Don't fret, independence is yet to come :)

    Along with our own rubbish olympics athletes...

  16. I only saw highlights from the News, but it was quite obvious that Nadal and Federer are in a class of their own. Murray still has a lot of practice ahead of him to beat either of these two Titans of the game.

    The faultllines between being British and Scottish etc. have not been helped by the media and the man himself. Murray looked like a decent enough guy on Wossie's show, so I did warm to him on that occasion.

    Andy Murray may consider himself Scottish, but he is still a Briton and I will not stoop so low as to support "anybody but Murray".

    We are stronger together.

  17. not at all.

  18. Weird right? Andy Murray is strange. I bet he just wanted the support of the British people until he won or lost. Now he's changed back, and next Wimbledon he'll be British!! =O)

  19. He's Scottish?! I think you'll find he's Welsh......oh I dunno.I could be wrong. These little countries are all the same to me!

  20. credit where credit is due the vast majority have given Andy good support and he was still called Britain's best tennis hope this morning..what i really cant get is other Brits being glad he was beaten by a Spaniard..yes he was beaten soundly and nadal deserved to win but the gloating from some is terrible...i am Scottish through and through but is there is no Scot there i always want a representative from Britain to do well whether he be fron n.ireland , wales or england..jealously is a terrible thing

  21. yup

  22. yes and quite rightly so.

    steady with the thumbs down i'm only having a laugh.

  23. Lol that's a good point, he can be british again when he wins something i guess..

  24. This myth is so silly and so not true.

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