
Isn't it human to be a little shallow? Don't looks really matter, no matter what we may like to think?

by  |  earlier

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A lot of people like to think of themselves as being quite "deep", beyond judging people based on looks. But don't you feel as if there needs to be at least SOME physical attraction between two people before they can really hit it off? Or am I just a shallow jackass?




  1. No, you're quite normal.  You're a shallow jackass only if you prefer a beautiful ***** to an average-looking gem.

  2. It's only shallow to think that looks are the only thing that matters. Appreciate the whole package!

  3. yes, looks really do matter... people say they dont even i have said they dont but when it really comes to it they do mean alot you dont want to look bad and date a really pretty girl, that would make you feel lower then her in a way... so yes it human to be a little shallow

  4. we all need to feel good about ourselves, so there is a bit of shallowness in all of us.But I agree that what lies beneath the otter skin is more important that appearances.I have seen some beautiful women with men that were to me down right ugly, so there is more to personality than looks.

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