
Isn't it illogical to believe that Al Gore alone would profit from the global warming tax scheme?

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The Repulibcan neocon governor here is already implementing more "green" gas taxes, so it make no sense to think that this is just a "liberal conspiracy" thing.




  1. Well, Al Gore still got rich.

    We are just going green so other countries don't hate us so much. It's all a bunch of politicail junk anyway.

  2. It might be of some benefit to Mr Gore to have a political following. But Mr Gore would not directly benefit from the tax he proposes.

    What he might benefit from is the fact that government would be able to reduce income taxes when they apply carbon tax.

    What most anyone might gain from is spending that flows their own way, such as spending to provide alternative energy.. like the nuclear fraternity.

    A tax on gasoline or diesel, coal, is intended to cut its consumption, and so to reduce its ability to cause cancer. It is not wrong to tax things that cause cancer to pay for things that don't.

    It would be wrong to pay to grow ethanol instead of food.

  3. Absolutely.  Global warming is happening, but instead of allocating an infantessimal portion of our existing tax money to address it, the Pentagon will use it as an excuse to grab even more of our hard-earned cash.  Over 50% of your income tax goes to the military already.  They want more.

    "Pentagon officials warn that abrupt climate change over the next 20 years could throw the world into a state of anarchy -- dwarfing the current threat of terrorism.  In this doomsday scenario, large-scale droughts, famine brought on by food shortages and reduced energy supplies could cause riots around the globe that could culminate in nuclear warfare."

    The report wasn't penned by members of the "Chicken Little sky-is-falling crowd" (as Republican leaders like to call global- warming activists), but by Peter Schwartz, former head of planning for Shell Oil and sometime CIA consultant, and Doug Randall of the Global Business Network, a California think tank.

    The U.S. military will start practicing policing U.S. cities this Summer:

    That's right, they're going to simulate deploying our own troops on our own soil, which was banned by the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878 following the Civil War, but has quietly been overturned in recent years (along with eliminating the need for warrants to conduct surveillance, skipping the inconvenience of a trial and a conviction if you want to jail someone for a few years, and ignoring the international treaties we've signed banning torture).  The Bill of Rights has been gutted, reduced to a sad joke.

    We could conserve a little energy and pay a measly $100 per person per year to completely offset everyone's carbon emissions today, but it's far more profitable for many people in power if they let the issue get a lot worse.

    Here's more detail on where 54% of your federal income tax money goes:

    Are we safe yet?

  4. Find out what those gas taxes are being used to pay for. In many cases, the tax on gas is used to maintain and build new roads. Building new roads enables sprawl which is what causes you to have to buy so much gas in the first place. Therefore, depending on what it is funding, a gas tax can be considered to be decidedly "un-green".

  5. the british gov are doin well on it too

  6. There's nothing liberal about it.  The majority of conservatives believe the "conspiracy" too.;...

    People who say it's all a liberal hoax are just fooling themselves.  They'll believe anything as long as it allows them to remain in denial about man-made global warming.

  7. There are several players who have a great deal to gain from the global warming scam.

    Business:  Al Gore, Maurice Strong and several others are making a lot of money by trading is worthless "carbon credits".

    Marketing:  Putting the "green" label on a product is an easy way to charge higher prices without adding anything of value.

    Politicians:  Like alcohol and tobacco taxes, politicians of all stripes love carbon taxes because it gives them the opportunity to fleece us without losing votes.  Republican or Democrat, they all love to take money from those who earned it and hand it over to their friends.

    Bureaucrats:  They love power, and there's nothing they love more than rules that are impossible to obey because it enables them to wield that power.  Restrictions on CO2 emissions are ideal for them because no matter what you do you'll be wrong.

    The media:  There's an old saying in the newspaper industry that "If it bleeds, it leads".  Fearmongering sells newspapers.

    Environmental activists:  They consider humans to be evil and always want to "prove" that we're destroying the planet.

  8. Jleblanc, stuff like this amazes me: "Environmental activists: They consider humans to be evil and always want to "prove" that we're destroying the planet."  I'm pretty sure most environmentalists feel we are using our environmental resources in a liberal and profligate manner that will be regretted later.  I doubt the "evil" part you repeat so often comes from anywhere except your guilty heart, often as you say it.

  9. I saw Al Gore on Oprah the other day, and it looks like all the money he's making on this is going straight to his gut.  I've never seen him so large!

  10. There are a lot of people who stand to profit handsomely with this, be they Liberals, Democrats, Conservatives, Republicans, etc.  And even if they don't make something off of it, you hear everyone else doing the "me too!"  

    For example, so he doesn't risk his popularity, Barack Obama wants to tax coal fired power plants and get Al Gore on board as some environmental advisor.  Then there will be a free for all in taxation.

  11. Democrat Governor of Oregon is trying too get in on the cash flow from global warming

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