
Isn't it incredible how Obama has been able to unite the whole country?

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I didn't believe in his legendary unifying skills at first, but according to the latest Zogby poll, he has the support of a full 41% of Americans! Don't I feel stupid now?




  1. Unite the whole country? He hasn't even been able to unite his own party. I suggest you put down the glass and slowly back away from the Kool-aid.

  2. Imagine how much better he'd be doing if people hadn't started stupid internet rumors about his being Muslim, socialist, elitist, unpatriotic etc. etc.

  3. Yeah.  It is almost like it was planned.

    Isn't it also funny how Obama is related to mot only d**k Cheney, but also to George Bush?  Seriously?  These guys aren't television repairmen, plumbers, and mechanics who suddenly discovered this as a novelty.  There are a President, Vice President and US Senator who is in position to become the next President of the United States.  Have you ever heard of CBS?  Well, they ran this segment.  Like I said, yeah.  It is almost like it was planned, or something.

  4. unite the country, i don't think so!  seems to me hillary gave him a pretty good one for his money.  mccain doesn't think the country is united behind obama.  also, how many third party candidates are there out there?

  5. I am certainly amazed!

  6. Well, I personally never witnessed more racial tension in my life since the 'great unifier' came onto the scene.

  7. Impressive how many racists there are?

  8. it's really sad... McCain has been lying every minute and throwing the kitchen sink at him...

    too bad McCain decided to get in the gutter... but hey, it works...

    that seems to be what America wants... to be divided and to hear the best lies...

    I'm starting to think it's going to be many, many, many more years before America ever comes close to coming together...

    just the way you love it...

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