
Isn't it interesting how certain people go after extremely good looking people who use them? read the details?

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like there was one girl i knew who is now 41 and a single mom and she went out with a guy who cheated on her because he had a wife with kids and abused her verbally and left her pregnant and alone- but he was model type looking and had a lot of money- new cars, new clothes, new everything- she didn't want to go out with a guy who was a little heavier than this guy, okay looking, with darker skin that treated her like a gem- like the guy who was okay looking, without all the money, and was darker skinned- was nice to her- brought her stuff- etc- now she is alone with a teen daughter- dealing with breast cancer! but she's in remission!

i've heard of many cases like this- and it leads me to wonder how sad our society has become- is looks this important, money, fame, wealth?

you hear people who fantasize about celebrities who are airbrushed and as fake as can be- and say they want to have their children with such and such celebrity, would love to date them, and they are so beautiful- do we really know any of these entertainers well enough to call them beautiful or want to have kids with them? not really- i've met countless celebrities i thought were nice and kind- they didn't want to give autographs, or take pictures- there physical appearance was great- but their inside heart was that of a player- liar- corruption of the heart and mind-

its all interesting to me- because it seems like the younger generation 18-30 really really is looks based- yes you have to be physically attracted to someone and they need to keep up their look- but overall- it happens! what you see on the outside usually doesn't equal the inside- it rarely does! voice your opinions if you like!




  1. it takes two to tango.

  2. Interesting indeed.

    Regardless of their looks,and yes...I have to be at least a little physically attracted to them,with a few exceptions,If you give them everything,and ask for nothing in will more than likely get burned.

    I'd never settle for a man who was really good looking,but had no personality or humility,he'd be gone.

    Looks aren't everything,and that's the truth in a lot of cases.  

  3. I am a very attractive 23 year old who is actually the opposite when it comes to choosing love. Flings are a different story, but I have always chosen guys based on how they make me feel, their humor, personality, likes and dislikes.

    I have seriously dated a few guys that many people would ask me "why are you with him?".  For me, the way somone acts can absolutely change how attractive they are. If only everyone else felt the same way!

  4. My story short and sweet when I was 22, I dated a guy who was 32 years old, wealthy and had a nice home, a boat, and great job, .and loved to travel and spend time out on lakes and beaches and outdoors guy.

    He did not have one once of compassion he was verbally abusive and  you could not get emotionally close to him by any means! I dropped hm after 1 and a half years of putting up with it.

    . Now I am married to someone who does not make the $ the ex made and He is absoltly wonderful!!! He treats me with respect and dignity  sweet and is a gentleman. Yes we still places but it is limited. I would rather choose the better man then the idiot who is disrespectful myslef.

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