
Isn't it interesting how the ONLY person responsible for the anthrax attack is dead, and it took them this ...

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it took them this long just to say it, why didnt' they arrest him years ago? its very interesting how things tend to play out when it comes to government.




  1. The fact that it looks like a conspiracy probably means it is not. The man is dead because he took his own life when the FEDS were getting really close, the reason it took  years may have more to do with the fact that he worked for the gov. doing research on anthrax and  the last place they started to look was in the backyard of their own house, if the gov. wanted to pin this on an innocent person my guess would be someone more advantageous.

  2. Sounds odd to me; and how they just had to pay the last guy they accused millions of dollars for ruining his life, and they have no solid evidence that Ivins was even responsible.

    Just like those two ladies that hung themselves over the prostitution thing; it always seems so convenient.

  3. Almost as interesting as Roswell, New Mexico.  

  4. they were building a case against him, anyway he saved us sa lot of money prosecuting him.

  5. They seem to be getting better at what they do. This will become a classic. A case against a dead man. Can't defend himself, can't sue them. The government has finally got a winner here.

  6. I personnally knew Bruce and Diane. From my experiences with him, he appeared to be both supremely  humorous and intelligent. He patiently taught me how to juggle, always encouraging me to better myself. I find the stories about him TOTALLY out of character from the person I knew. Diane, may God help you through these troubled times and give you peace.

  7. Check this out for truth on the anthrax attacks.

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