
Isn't it interesting how there are numerous books that teach so many fields on science but.....?

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there is only one book(the word of god) that most monotheists follow? Why do you think that is?

Also, isn't it interesting that Science and Mathematics never stay stagnant but are always continuously changing over and over?

Why do you think that is?




  1. That science gains knowledge and information, while religion rots in unchanging ignorance, is a Good Thing about science and a Bad Thing about religion.

  2. Science and mathematics are constantly being changed to benifit society as a whole. New theories and hypothesis are constantly arising every day, some of these are proven to be correct. They then are implemented by the science and mathematical community to better themselves as a whole.

    Religion is a non-changing field. Anyone who dared challenged it was excommunicated, hanged, shot, or tortured. Religion is one of the major players in society today. It has start many war, and will continue until something is changed.

  3. because science will not stop finding and not mindlessly just accept what ever the last scientist said. science dose not need faith it has is not afraid to be wrong, and everyone believes in science. people(christians) on the other hand need to feel comfort something to cling to there (everything will be sunshine and rainbows after we are dead) "or so they hope". but science helps a lot more people every day.

  4. There are "so many fields on science" because the various sciences were invented as humanity came to understand each emerging new science.  It's Physics that is the truly universal science and interconnects the various specialties.  

    You're wrong, friend.  Science isn't "continuously changing," it's continuously improving.  The new things we learn don't contradict what we used to know.  Everything is still entirely self-consistent, we're just figuring out the details better.  Science is 'supposed' to do that.  It's a self-correcting system for discovering the truth.  That necessarily means things do have to change in order to get better.  You understand that, right?

  5. Once you get it right, you don't need to change perfection!

  6. ONE answer that Science & Mathematics reveal the true essence of the creation. It is ever changing, always evolving. " Let us make a new earth and a new heaven" express this dynamic.  Although we as humans give much thought to religion, let us not forget that it is science which gave birth to that which we term "Religion."

    How long was the great war? How many lives were lost, as the masses were forced to accept the great book?  Who would dare think of seeking revelation elsewhere?

    Their are many "Christians" who do not blindly follow silly dogma, we employ our minds to all the possibilities that the creation present.

  7. Well, IF there was a human being that knew everything there was to know about a particular field in science, there would probably only be one book in that field!    This also explains why science and mathematics are constantly changing over time...because we are constantly learning more about those things.  However, God would know what he wanted to communicate to human all-knowing God isn't going to learn something new that necessitates changes to the textbook he wrote!

  8. The Bible is from God and is perfect. That is why is is stagnant. Books like the Koran, Book of Mormon and your local school books are man made. So they are fallible and easily become outdated. I hope that sums it up for you.

  9. You answered the question yourself...God's book, His word...He got it right the first time, no need for a 2nd edition.  Also isn't it interesting that year after year the Bible is the world's best seller....and I feel reciprocally towards you.

  10. uum well new things are discovered like all the time you wouldn't want to have old knowledge of something like still thinking pluto is a planet lol...

    and the bible... meh I don't care

  11. If the Bible were updated, it would defeat the need for faith, and the whole entire Christian religion would unravel.

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