
Isn't it interesting that Biden wants to be VP for someone he doesn't like?

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Does that mean he expects to be president'

Every one should decide if they really want him running the country.




  1. Not unusual at all.  The VP is usally picked as a contrast to the pres, as when JFK selected LBJ as his veep.

  2. I'll bet he knows that Buttock Obama has more of a chance of being killed than anyone else in politics.  Biden thinks it's a good way to be president.

    Don't you love how some people think that an endorsement is money?  After all, Buttock Obama got endorsements from Al Qeada and Hamas.

  3. About as interesting as john mccain accepting an endorsement from george w bush in 2008, when back during the 2000 campaign bush's people implied that mccain was "insane" from his time as a pow. It shows how politicians are lying flip floppers that will say or do anything in an attempt to get elected.

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