
Isn't it ironic how feminists are all for sexual liberation but if a guy even looks at a girl, they think?

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its sexual harrasment? Of course I'm semi-exaggerating but you all know what I mean.




  1. Semi-exagerating? Well, for decades, women were put in a place of basic slavery, cooking, cleaning, working for the men and kids of the house, not allowed to speak or think, be educated, not allowed to have their own thoughts or ideas, were often beated and mistreated physically and mentally. Upon the Radical Feminists upbringing, we as women have come along way, but still the male psychy is a stuggle of how they look upon us. Most men, but certainly not all or not all of the time, look upon women as sexual objects and nothing more, someone to take care of them, their home and children, even if we are earning half the household income of this day.  The same can be said with Racial tensions of different races of God loving people around the world.  Maybe the women of today are just trying to safeguard their "being", because we were sexually abused and physically beaten down for so long, we no longer accept even the smallest of BS that's thrown our way.  Does this remind you of another class of People in the past and still is happening today?    This may not be the popular opinion or talked about subject, but hey, you asked and I'm not one to hold back my opinions and feelings because too many men, women and young adults have given their lives to insure that I can say this here in the United States Of America.

  2. I Let them look , but not touch , unless the man is my boyfriend !

    enough said!!!!

  3. yeah, we've heard these for 4 decades now:

    'even if a guy looks at them"

    "cant take a joke"

    "all i said was....."

    "what harm is done by looking????"

    "boys will be boys"

    Well, you know what? I say "boys will be accountable" and fortunately, most are these days. The side walk is NOT a cat walk. We do NOT all like to be gawked at. And for crying out loud, most of us do NOT get dressed for the opposite s*x everyday b/c you know what? we have our own personal styles and tastes that WE like.

  4. Look at an attractive person by all means; there is never any reason to touch a stranger in an inapropriate way. There is also need to be rude and vile, if you think someone is good looking take a peek. But why do people have to go overboard and stare or make lude comments? It’s just uncalled for; I don’t care who you are it is just wrong. People have to show some common courtesy; We are not neanderthals.

  5. you're more than semi-exaggerating. and no, i don't "know what you mean" because this question is ridiculous.

  6. I think that's the 2nd wave idealism messing with the 3rd.

  7. I think that's just a sterotype

  8. We're all for sexual liberation — on our own time. If a guy tried to touch what he hadn't been given permission to touch (a much more realistic example), wouldn't you be upset?

  9. Nothing ironic about your false statement.  The two subjects are unrelated.  I certainly hope you haven't experienced sexual harassment.  It's a serious thing, and I certainly don't take it lightly.  Come talk to me after your boss grabs your hand and puts it on his d**k, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  10. You have neglected to provide any context whatsoever.

    "Leering" meets the definition for sexual harassment.

    "Looking" is not "leering": see a dictionary for details.

  11. Good point.

  12. I say those feminists who can't take a guy's joke or even compliments are uptight.

    I love when men gives me compliments. It's flattering even if they lied in some ways. When I see a good looking guy, I fantasize on him just like men do to women.

    It's quite hypocrisy for some other women if they don't admit what I said is true.

  13. Guess what ladies, there is an option if you don't want any part of you ever to be looked at.  It's called a Burka.  I have to look somewhere, and I'm going to look where I want.  If you've got a problem with it, put it away.  No one wears a mini-skirt just to wear it.  There are far more comfortable forms of attire that provide better coverage.  If your ***-cheeks are hanging out for the world to see, they will be seen...and yes you knew this, and yes it's why you wore it.  STOP THE GAMES, THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS.  By the way, good question.

  14. Yeah

    You know what, all the men in prison for assaults just started off by looking which turned to stalking and on and on...

    If they look at you in a certain way or look too long then yes it is a serious problem

    A small glance is no big deal

  15. I don't know what you mean and I don't think you do either.

    I know very well the difference between a guy checking me out or chatting me up and sexual harassment. But I'm honestly not sure if you do.

    Sexual liberation means You own your body and your s*x life and You are responsible for your behaviour. Anything between consenting adults is their business. Not yours, not mine.

    I suggest you look up what sexual harassment means. It may do you a lot of good.

  16. There's a difference between WANTING sexual things and NOT WANTING sexual advances lol

    Maybe those feminists don't like the guys that are looking at them.  They want to receive attention from the guys they do like. Sexually liberated women don't want sexual advances from anything that walks..It has to be from someone they like.

    If they don't like someone, then obviously they will feel uncomfortable at a guy making unwanted sexual advances.

  17. As a feminist, I am, as you said, for sexual liberation-- but there is a difference between sexual freedom and the expression unwarranted sexual interest.

    Being for sexual liberation means you're more open-minded about what people do with consenting partners. Unwanted sexual attention such as cat-calls, wolf-whistles, surprise groping, etc are all sexual harassment. Be it from men or women it is wrong because one of the two parties is not happy with it. Make sense?

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