
Isn't it ironic how liberals keep screaming Palin is inexperienced....?

by Guest67107  |  earlier

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and that she isn't fit to be a Vice President....yet Obama has magnitudes LESS experience than her and they are promoting him for President?

Absolutely pathetic.




  1. Liberals are pointing out the hypocrisy of McCain claiming that Obama hasn't the experience to be President, but picks a VP choice that is equally ill-prepared.

  2. I think neither of us can really say anything now.

    So...that's good....somewhat.

  3. when it comes to executive power, Palin is the most qualified out of the three (McCain, Obama and Biden) Senators should not be leaders. Our best presidents were either governors, mayors or leaders of private enterprise.  

  4. First - learn to use the word Irony correctly.

    Second - McCain picked her because he knows that America wants an inexperienced person to lead... because all of our experiences under Republican leadership have been awful...

    Palin has plenty of experience being a thug for the oil companies... McCain just doesn't get it...

  5. Actually, in fact, Obama DOES have more experience that Palin.

    So....your QUESTION would be "ironic."

  6. Isn't it ironic how conservatives scream about Obama's experience, then choose Palin as the VP? Hypocrites. That's what we're screaming about, your hypocrisy.

  7. I don't think we call her "inexperienced" as much as "evil."

  8. Palin has no foreign policy evperience,but neither does McCain,Obama or Biden.Foreign policies are created and handled by the executive branch not the Senate.  Palin has no national security experience but neither does McCain,Obama or Biden.  National Security is handled by the executive branch.  Palin governs  a state of less than one million people McCain, Obama and Biden have governed no one. So who isn't qualified?  

  9. This is a joke, right? Do your homework. Palin is beyond any reasonable doubt the least experienced VP candidate in the history of the United States. There are too many negatives going against Palin: Poor judgment during her last child's birth, two ethics investigations against her right now dealing with "Troopergate," misrepresentations about the "Bridge to Nowhere," the distraction of her daughter's pregnancy, the lack of experience argument (especially the "next to Russia" and PTA lame counter-arguments), and this is barely a week after the announcement. Troubles ahead for McBush!  

  10. actually check out Karl Rove on her lack of experience here:     see video of Rove in middle of the page

  11. Because they are so threatened by her.

  12. Please give a side-by-side comparison of Obama's experience and Palin's experience and indicate the places where she has more experience than he does.  Being a sportscaster does not count.

    Also, none of are screaming about it.  We are observing it, stating the observation, and laughing our asses off.

    Now MARLI'S post, THAT is irony.

  13. good point , i agree they both suck . which is why im voting Nader .

  14. Pretty much nailed that one.

  15. It's because they are liberals!!!! If a duck decided to run for President, they'd claim that it had more experience than the Republicans. I completely agree with you... it is absolutely pathetic!!!! But that's democrats for you!!!! They always have to complain about something or come down hard on someone that doesn't agree with their idiotic point of views!!!!!!!! You couldn't be more right!!!! If Obama is in the White House... I'm moving to Canada!!!!!!

  16. It's kind of like you guys make fun of Obama for being the biggest celebrity in the world and now you guys have your own celebrity with super babe Sarah Palin. Id say both sides are more hypocritical than ironic.

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