
Isn't it ironic that Obama has set the table for his own demise?

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All Obama has truly accomplished so far has been to introduce the idea of change into people's heads...

He has certainly not sealed the deal....he BARELY got the DEM nomination and that was largely because he got a big enough lead early enough to hold off Clinton....but the popular vote was extraordinarily close and Clinton absolutely wholloped him in the last couple of months...

So all he has done is introduce in voters' minds that we need CHANGE IN WASHINGTON.

But he hasn't convinced enough Americans that he can deliver on the type of change that Obama represents!......and then along comes an *actual* agent of change....and guess what...

it's Palin!

She is going to grab a lot of votes that Obama has been working to get for an entire year.

Anybody else find this absolutely hiarious?!




  1. Humphrey, McGovern, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry  --- I do see a pattern there.

    The one name that did win the White House for them, twice.  The Democrats didn't want to repeat that performance.

    At the presidential level the Democrats have been masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  2. Did you see Obama and Biden talking about Sarah Palin being the newly annouced VP nominee?  They both looked like they were going to cry.  No joke.    

    I personally thought Hillary was the much stronger candidate and that the DNC handed the nomination to Obama at the end.  She was crushing him in West Virginia, Puerto Rico, Kentucky, Pennsylvania....  

    Palin is IMPRESSIVE.  The way she mentioned the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling gave credit to Hillary and also created momentum for the Republicans.

    One last thing I will enjoy about this process--watching the idiots at MSNBC bashing yet another female candidate.  They are driving the female vote straight to McCain!  

  3. Yes, I find your question absolutely hilarious.

  4. Not everyone is as impressed with Gov. Gidget as you are.  And her idea of change is reactionary.

  5. Obama leading by 8 pts and growing. Thanks Palin!

    Yeah absolutely hilarious you guys are still in state of denial.

  6. McCain's last nail in his coffin is Palin.

    Obama just thanked McCain for choosing her.  The move showed more about McCain's judgment than any other moves he made.

  7. Hope you can still cancel your credit card payment for Republicans...The solid money has already bailed...Party insiders and commitee chairs can't make this Pig fly...His Bank of Cindy will have to come thru for him ..maybe British Petroleum can help his Alaskan housewife who was elected on BP money.  John dies of heart attack and she is the New Miss America in a whole new picture frame? This Pig won't fly, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  8. Obama was Mr inexperience to the Repubibubbas, now inexperience is spun as "free of influence" by the Oil industrie's cupcake.   Not buying it.  

  9. It tickles my funny bone to see ultra liberal leftists squirm.

  10. I am loving it.  

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