
Isn't it ironic that Sarah Palin said that we need to?

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respect Bristol's decision to keep the baby and respect her privacy,and Palin is the one who doesn't believe that women should have the right to make their own decision especially in serious cases like rape?

I find it funny that the some of the Republicans on here keep saying that we need to respect Bristol Palin's decision and privacy.

I totally agree with that,but I just have a problem with the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin. I understand that her daughter should be kept out of it,but the discussion and Palin's stances on abortion rights and her abstinence only stance will come up when this kind of things happen. It's unfair but true

I would also like to say that I'm glad that Bristol Palin kept the baby. She has the love,support,and resources to raise the baby. I'm also glad that Palin went ahead with her own pregnancy of her fifth child knowing how difficult it was going to be.

I just wanted to say that before an immature person calls me an abortion loving murderer liberal




  1. Sarah Palin has a lot of nerve.

    As well as backbone. And that's why she is going to kick dem butts.


  2. I don't see where it's anyone's business what her daughter does with her baby first of all. She's not the first 17 year old to become pregnant ever in history and it shows this young lady wants to take on the responsibility she created. Just because Britney Spears didn't make a very good mother does not mean all young people cannot handle motherhood, which is a beautiful thing in life. My grandmother gave birth to my Dad at 13! She had 7 children altogether and was a wonderful mother. I'm glad Bristol didn't abort her baby, but if she had, OMG, everyone would REALLY have a problem now wouldn't they? Sarah Palin is Pro-life just like McCain, and why would we want someone in office that was against human lifeform anyway??

  3. I agree with you completely on both issues!!!

    You can't have it both ways!!

  4. Children should not be used to score political points no matter who the parents are.  You don't seem to feel that unborn babies deserve the right to life. I feel sorry for you.

    The 2 million babies flushed down the toilet every year is immoral. Libs complain about 4000 soldiers who gave their life to bring some freedom to the Iraqi people yet celebrate 2 million babies put to death by their parents I just don't understand that mentality.

  5. Whether she kept the baby or not is none of my business but I will say she is a poster child for s*x ed in schools.  It is total bury your head in the dirt ignorance to think that with all the s*x in movies, TV, advertising, etc, teen agers who are more independent than ever, aren't going to try it.  And if we can be honest and bi-partison for just 30 seconds before going back to bashing each other - s*x feels VERRRRY good so it is VERRRRRY likely that teenagers aren't going to do this just once and forget about it.

    I'm sure most Pro AND Anti -Choice women would rather, teenagers NOT get pregnant in the first place.  s*x ed and birth control would accomplish that.  If you are affraid you r children will become s*x slaves - for God's sake talk to them aobut it.

    OK resume beating each other to death.

  6. For all the Republicans:I just have to say for the record, I am a Democrat and have been for a long time and no one in my family has ever had or considered an abortion. Ever. I don't understand why being a Democrat automatically makes you a crazy abortionist who just can't wait to go out, get knocked up and then go kill the baby. Please spare me. I was assaulted and it resulted in pregnancy and some would say that I could have had an abortion without prejudice. I didn't. I kept my beautiful daughter and she is my sheer joy of life. I am thrilled Bristol is keeping her child. In fact, my own 17 year old is pregnant. We did not consider abortion at all. She is keeping her child and she is marrying her boyfriend of 2 years who is in the Marines. So there you go, a Democrat who loves babies and the men in service. Boggles the mind doesn't it.

  7. No. You can keep the baby, or you can find the baby a loving adoptive family. You cannot kill the baby.

  8. if she would have given her some s*x education in the first place, this probably would not have happened

  9. if she doesn't want her family to be at issue she shouldn't exploit the h**l out of them at every turn.

    i think it's totally fair to ask her if her own family proves her stance on s*x education is a completely ineffective.

    or point out that "hacky mams" are all wealthy people that can afford to buy a ton of equipment and travel every weekend with their kids.

    baseball and football moms spending weekends at a local park are the back bone of american femininity

  10. It's ironic.  But I really don't think anyone asked Bristol what she wanted to do. I really don't think she has made any decision for herself since her mother found out she was pregnant.  That poor baby's daddy, I think his decisions are being made for him too.  Did he want to be paraded out on stage? Does he want to marry Bristol? I don't know how much free will they have had in all of this.  He may have no choice considering she was 16 at the time of conception and he is 18 now, I don't know at the time of conception. Their decision to have s*x was probably the last decision they made of their own free will.  I grew up in Arkansas and witnessed more shotgun weddings than I care to remember.  It never worked out.  I don't know what is scarier Sarah Palin for a mother in law or having her for and ex mother in law.  Maybe that State trooper/ex brother in law could answer that one for us.  I too am glad the baby will be born and kept.

  11. Politicians HAVE to say stuff like "respect my family's privacy".  Actually, Bristol showed more courage than most young girls faced with similar situations.

    Unfortunately, Palin CAN'T say that.

  12. I was under the impression that the Democratic Party stood up for the little guy and the weakest members of society?  When did killing your child become the only option for them?  I suggest all of you that think abortion is such a good option do a little research on the founder of  Planned Parenthood and see what you are really supporting.  

    Ironic indeed.  

  13. Right-wingers believe in respecting decision and privacy when they already know the person is making the decision they want them to make.

  14. She's being criticized about her unmarried daughter's pregnancy, which I haven't seen in the news but that's probably because I don't watch the news all the time.  Anyway, when an unmarried child is pregnant, they get scolded.  But if they were living with someone unmarried or they were a homosexual, that never makes the news.  Hmm.  Could it be bias or could it be that they're mud-slinging?  Oh yeah, Bush's children were in the news as well about their drinking.  Maybe Chelsea Clinton is perfect because I haven't read anything on her.   Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.


  16. Decision? As if she really made a decision...

  17. its family values, thats all

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