
Isn't it ironic that among the top four candidates, Gov. Palin is the only one with executive experience?

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Obama, McCain and Biden never had any executive experience which I believe is extremely important if one has the know how and experience to run the country. So Gov. Palin was the mayor of a small town and spent only two years being the governor of Alaska. What did the others do except messing around in a do nothing Congress. If qualification is the main criteria, Gov. Palin should be elected president.




  1. Yes, I am glad to have a non lawyer and a Governor with actual executive experience in the race.

    I'd rather have that than a fast talking lawyer in a ten thousand dollar suit.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  3. Yes it is ironic. I read somewhere during the primaries (you all out there don't get your shorts in a bid cause I don't remember where) that majority of Presidents elected have been Governor first.

    Palin still has more experience than Obama, and he is the Democrat Party lead guy.

  4. NOT.

    If this is the only criterion, you may be right.

    There are umpteen other things to quality to be the prez of this powerful nation, powerful office.

    Palin falls short on many of them.

    Nope, bad choice, McCain. Back to the drawing board.

  5. Palin has more experience in actually running a government, with all that entails.

    Senators do little but vote on bills. And we all know Obama (present) doesn't even do that.^

  6. Not really.

  7. She is governor of a state that only has 600,000 people--fewer people than we have in my county! We have 1.7 million people in our county and Microsoft is in our county. So that means that our county executive Ron Sims is handling a larger population and a much larger budget than she is. And our state governor, Christine Gregoire, was just named the second best governor in the country for her executive experience.

    What we are looking for in the country is a person who understands the Constitution and put effective leaders back into place in national positions. The biggest thing that the Bush Administration did was make the government ineffective. He was supposedly a good executive with business experience but he proved that being an executive doesn't mean you will be an effective leader. He doesn't meet with world leaders and even if he did, he doesn't have the speaking skills and interpersonal skills that are required to be a diplomat. And our country NEEDS a diplomat because Bush has completely trashed our reputation in the world's view. If we are unable to lead in the world we will continue to lose our status as a world leader. Bush showed that he didn't have the strength of character to lead our country but Obama does. The very thing that McCain and the Republicans are criticizing--that people like and are inspired by Obama--is the very thing that this country needs to turn it around.

    Since the speech Thursday night, our campaign office phone has not stopped ringing. People told me yesterday (I was manning a table at the county fair) that they have been unable to make a connection to the part of the Obama Web site where you buy bumper stickers since Thursday night. We were overwhelmed with people yesterday wanting signs and bumper stickers. I've talked to 10 people now who have always voted Republican who are voting for Obama. It's a bit overwhelming.

  8. Actually what is important when it comes to politics at the national level isn't really executive experience in and of itself. Governing a state doesn't typically involve someone in the national issues as much as being a congress person does.

    It is experience in the federal government which typically is more important. After all, if executive experience was as important as you say, being a mayor would be great experience for the presidency. With the possible exceptions of the largest cities, this isn't really true.  

    Likewise, not all states are created equal.  Being a governor of a populous, diverse state, with issues issues that mirror those of the nation as a whole (states like Florida, Texas, or California, for example) is going to provide much better experience for a potential president than governing a small, homogeneous state with more localized problems.

    Instead of using unclear labels ("executive experience") which hide real differences (the idea that being mayor of a small town is comparable to being president is laughable), we should look at what actual experiences Palin has compared people like McCain, Obama, and Biden. Any objective look at this will likely show that Plain is the least experienced of the three and certainly is not the most experienced.

    Only on yahoo answers could someone seriously claim that being a mayor of a small town provides someone with more presidential experience than being in D.C. for decades.

  9. Many great leaders throughout history have been elected based solely on their oratory skills.  JFK and Lincoln were a couple.  They were both tall, slender men as well.  Let's hope Obama doesn't share their ultimate fate.

  10. I'll agree with you to a certain extent. McCain did have some "executive" experience when he was in the military. He made life and death decisions that affected others lives. Obummer never even joined the armed forces, national guard or any other military experience. Community Organizer may have counted if he was white, but being in a "black war zone" while being black wasn't much of a danger.

    Of the four candidates, Obummer is definitely the least qualified to be president, and Palin is probably the most qualified. No doubt about it. Even Ron Paul is beginning to acknowledge her abilities.

    McCain/Palin '08


  11. Yes, this is why I switched to the Republican ticket.  

    Obama thought McCain would pick one of the old boys in the US Senate; this is why he chose Biden.   But, boy did he get a shocker when McCain announced Governor Palin as his running mate.

    Obama not only blew it once when he opt not to put Hillary on his ticket; but, he opted twice not to be an outsider on his ticket.

    Seeing a lot of bubbles coming from the sinking ship named Obama/Biden

    McCain/Palin '08

  12. Good points! I still want McCain as President; hopefully, Palin can succeed him!

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