
Isn't it ironic that for years the left has been calling the US military baby killers?

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and have ranted against every Republican in favor of fighting for freedom and democracy in this world, has called them baby killers, and now the liberal elite of the democrat party manage to slide in a candidate who is in favor of not only early term abortion, for whatever reason, but also late term abortion, for any reason, as well as partial birth abortion, as well as believing it is okay to kill a newborn that happened to survive an abortion (in such a humane way as to toss it into the garbage pail to die.) See, to me, that's the quintessential definition of a baby killer,

No wonder his response to the question "in your opinion, when does life start" Obama sheepishly hid behind the facade that "to answer that question with specificity requires a higher pay grade than his."

Because to answer that question honestly would reveal him as the calculating fraud that he is.

What a foolish, degenerate response. I say beware the wolf in sheep's clothing, pay attention to the lies. What say you?




  1. Fetuses aren't babies. Fetuses aren't people. Men and women of all the world's armed forces are people.

    Besides, since when do all left wingers call soldiers baby-killers? You're generalizing.

  2. Libs are cowards. See, babies don't fight back when you try and kill them.

  3. As he said at Saddleback Church


    Obama wants to reduce the abortion rate, just like the rest of us.  He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or even the endangerment of the life of the mother.

    Slightly off-topic, it is interesting to note that McCain's saying to great applause at Saddleback that life begins at conception (actually it begins <i>before</i> conception; sperm and egg cells are respiring cells) of course doesn't reconcile with his support of embryonic stem cell research.  I don't think the subset of his voters concerned about prohibiting abortion are going to pick up on this discrepancy, so he probably netted political points with his two-word response.

    But back to the exceptions: note also that prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape, incest, of even the endangerment of the life of the mother has been in the GOP platform since at least 2000.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last prohibition dictates that, when both lives are in danger, the fetus's has primacy over the mother's?  I find this hard to believe.  Even parity seems a bit much.

    McCain scolded Bush in a 2000 debate for not knowing that the GOP platform did not make exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

    In '07, McCain exhibited the same hostility to the platform.  But in the past few days McCain has backed off his intent to change the platform language, just as the abortion attacks on Obama heated up. Mere coincidence?

    As for your claims on Obama's position on PBA and the Born Alive Infant Act, they've been debunked dozens of times in these forums, so you really have no excuse for reposting them.

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