and have ranted against every Republican in favor of fighting for freedom and democracy in this world, has called them baby killers, and now the liberal elite of the democrat party manage to slide in a candidate who is in favor of not only early term abortion, for whatever reason, but also late term abortion, for any reason, as well as partial birth abortion, as well as believing it is okay to kill a newborn that happened to survive an abortion (in such a humane way as to toss it into the garbage pail to die.) See, to me, that's the quintessential definition of a baby killer,
No wonder his response to the question "in your opinion, when does life start" Obama sheepishly hid behind the facade that "to answer that question with specificity requires a higher pay grade than his."
Because to answer that question honestly would reveal him as the calculating fraud that he is.
What a foolish, degenerate response. I say beware the wolf in sheep's clothing, pay attention to the lies. What say you?