
Isn't it ironic that "the greatest country in God's green earth"....?

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get's screwed by the price of a barrel of oil? We have the strongest military on earth but our sophisticated weapons are useless against the Arabs. While their citizens langour in luxury, buying up expensive US real estates and businesses, profitting from their oil, our life styles get screwed up in every which way. When the Arabs say jump, we say how high.




  1. Don't worry. All will be fixed after November. The Dems are doing their best to keep the price high so everyone will be so pissed off at the Republicans that they will vote in a Democrat. Congress has done nothing.

  2. Have you thanked little georgie yet?Send him a card and let him know how happy you are with his (mis) management, and incompetency.

  3. And in Dubai they are building the largest pool in the world, the tallest buildings, the biggest malls, and creating palm tree shaped private islands.  All reflections of our stupidity.  There is no way you can convince me that Americans cannot find a solution to the energy problem. We are merely pawns in a much bigger game that is being played by only a select few.  A very rich select few.

  4. langour in luxury? the average Egyptian earns a dollar a day,a few elite maybe,although I would look at speculation on Wall street as well

  5. Unlike the other news junkies I have a little experience in the oil field with the number two competitor Schlumberger. The underclass folks of texas and Louisiana are the ones who could probably tell you best about the fact that the EPA laws here in the states are far and hard to reach compared to that of our foes. If you really want to start a revolution.. pounch on the fact that the oversized belly down in the gulf filled with oil is not accessable for about seven years due to laws. Wake up US before we are drowning in a puddle of cheap oil.

  6. you can't have prosperity without productivity. Instead of producing oil, we've been importing about a hallf trillion dollars worth per year. The same with many other products. A dollar is only worth what it will buy.

          Environmentals and their attorneys have made this country unable to produce. Why should any company produce here, with the risk of being sued at every turn?

  7. hey,...I hate to lay all this history on you people who are only old enough to use the channel selector...but....this started before Bush was even heard wanna lay the blame, at least do your history,and spread it out over the other presidents,leaders in congress etc., that are equally at fault.  This started before most of you were born,for cryin'out loud!!

  8. True dat. Kinda frustrating when you look at the U.S. Congress out for recess when all h**l is a popping.

  9. not really. Countries dependent on imported oil (USA) brought this on themselves. The data and presictions of Hubberts Oil Peak (and other theories) were around at that time, but were largly ignored. Instead of building up storage and trying to decrease consumption, the American oil campanies did just the opposite. Heck, its how they made money, and lots of it. But at that time oil was thought to never run out, but as american oil production decreased, the oil companies all turned to foriegn sources, more spicifically, Saudi Arabian oil. This put Arabia in control, most notibly having the ability to create an artificial shortage by embargo (1970's). So what I'm getting at is that amaricans ignored the signs, and instead of divirsifing fuels, they inefficently and waste full used some/most of it up.

  10. No I am sorry I've missed the irony bus a long time ago. I've known for a long time that Bush has been bed with the Saudi Arabia's royal family.

  11. Ironic? Poetic justice if you ask me. You all never learned a thing from the first energy "crisis" of the early 70's when we were all told that the reason oil went from18.00 a barrel to over 30.00 was because it was running out, now we are told it is because of supply and demand??? Yet oil companies continue to have record profits, while car makers are having record losses... That is ironic.....And for the record, it isn't Saudi oil that keeps the US going, the largest supplier of oil for the domestic US market comes from north of the border, look it up.

  12. Too much real estate is being purchased by people from many countries and the outcome will not be good.

  13. we have the best life in america we dont get killed like they do in iraq and iran if you say **** the president. when iran say jump i say go get the beaner to do it but thats just me. i cannot and will not ever get along with a towel head that flys planes into buildings they arent real men if they dont know how to show there face and fight. i know some women that are better than that. in ww2 we were great the japanese bombed we attacked and tore there *** up now they l**k our balls and are our allies (no offence japanese people) japan now helps us even better than our oldest allies but ww2 tells how great we used to be with a leader that fell only to rise even higher to perform a great duty to a country he so loved(talking about franklin and his polio and how from that he rose to become americas greatest president)we need a president with balls next time the iranian dictator comes he needs to be knocked on his *** instead of being welcomed the pompous b*****d. same goes for china we can make our on food and cars and everything we need we can make here they are just cheap help over there bbecause there government doens now human rights and can manipulate them in anyway they can. we get poisoned from lead paint by china all modern countries dont use lead in there paint leading to say china is just a big t**d in the 3rd world toilet. 3rd world countries are even better than china is. we can get oil n america we just need people to stop griping nad take the initiative and go and get it we can make the governtmet buckle and squirm until they do do it petition picket all the things we are able to do.also we are a country that depends on other countries we can survive on our own block all imports and exports from china and other countries and just leave trade open from france spain and U.K. we dont need to help north korea feed thereselves they are pefectly capable the dictatorship wants to starve let the midget starve i dont care his dad wasnt great to start with and the leader now is insecure of his shortness till he where high shoes wow yea buddy great leader. also when we bomb a country we always rebuild it then years later when they attack us again we say wonder how they did that well ding ding ding i got the answer cause we rebuild stuff better than it was so they can kill us better when we bmb a place we need to leave it as rubble when the world trade centers fell did they rebuild for us no then why the h**l are we doing it for them lets teach them a lesson the old american for my last words.

    really if i was president i woudnt recognize any country thats not a democracy like us


  14. Have you said thank you to the tree hugging liberal hippies in Congress and the rest of the far left loonies yet?  Send them a message...DON'T KEEP ELECTING LIBERALS.

  15. We wouldn't get screwed If

    - we changed our lifestyle, and get the government to get off it's duff and encourage research & development of alternative enery sources.

  16. When the arabs say jump Bush says how high.

  17. You've got it all wrong. The average arab is a working shmuck just like you and me.

    The ultra rich, weather they be arab sheiks or wall street speculators are in control.

    Like Warren Buffett said "We had a class war and my side won."

  18. Which may be why we are not the greatest country on earth.  We may have the strongest military, but that doesn't mean the quality of life here is better.

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