
Isn't it obvious why McCain has picked Sarah Palin?

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He's doing it to make him look Pro-woman.

All of a sudden after Obama drops Hillary now he wants to pick a woman.

Get real.

This is McCain we are talking about folks.





  1. Wow!

    John McCain's VP choice is more shallow and superficial than Fox News reporting. McCain's VP choice is based on divisive gender politics - his only hope of winning in November is to persuade staunch Hillary supporters to vote for him based solely on the candidate's gender - rather than leadership.

    However, women who respect their own best interests will choose Obama and Biden who have a proven track record of standing up for women's issues - reproductive privacy, pay equity, freedom from violence and discrimination.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting your campaign before America's national security.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting this election before America's economic interests.

    Shame on you John McCain for demonstrating your lack of judgement.

  2. This relatively hot 'fundie' -

    - has no experience

    - is completely intertwined with corporate Giants (OIL)

    - Yes talks good, impressive, but anything else????

    - Will alienate most of the voters, even women, as her stance against abortion, I seriously doubt she has done or will be doing anything for women's rights.

    - All she might bring will be fundie votes.

    - So other than being relatively good eye candy (for men at least) she is good b/c . . . ?????

  3. Seems like he did exactly what was needed to bring out the media ...

    Like Obama picking an old , white man for his running mate. Now that is definitely going to be a change in Washington. ....Never had a old, white male VP before (sarcasm)

  4. McCain is just another senile old politician who's long past his prime.

    It's time for him to retire already.

  5. No matter who he picks as a running mate he will still be the one with his finger on the button.

  6. It's real obvious to me! He knew he was gonna lose, and thought hmmmm a woman can save me so he chose Sarah. This should show how silly his ideas are and will be. I hope his followers soul search and figure out he is not of worth!

              OBAMA IS OUR MAN          VOTE OMABA 2008

  7. Yes that is obvious and it was a great idea to take a woman.  I'm not sure she was the right person, but time will tell.  

  8. OMG!!!!  All along, McCain has been a secret Obama supporter! Now we know!

  9. My thoughts EXACTLY this morning!

    Gosh, I would be embarrassed if I were him.

    I hadn't even heard of this woman before (but admittedly am NOT very politically informed)....but from what I see, she might be good.

    This might just shake things up in the election.....who knows, perhaps the Repubs will have a chance now?

    I have always mostly voted republican, but really vote for the person. I value conservatism. Doesn't matter to me what party they are in. Lines are blurred of late anyway.

    May the best candidate (for our country) WIN!

  10. This was my first thought too.  McCain is just trying to get more women's votes by making a woman vice president.

  11. Obama used the same tactic by picking an older white man. He was smart to do that. McCain was smart to pick a qualified woman to attract women voters. Most importantly, he picked a pro-life, anti-baby killer.


  12. It sure was a stunning choice, and I have renewed respect for McCain's fighting spirit and attempt at being a maverick.  This has to be the most exciting presidential race ever.  Usually I just criticize McCain, but I have to say "well done" this time!

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