
Isn't it odd that the neocons are freaking out about Russia recognizing 2 breakaway states?

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but they never made a fuss when Russia claimed control of the Arctic and all its resources




  1. That is because they can`t claim or control.


    Did you hear Palin is the VP

  2. nope.

    it's the liberals freakin out from the palin announcement


  3. One difference is that the US has taken a stand in these old Soviet States and has given military training and has sent troops to them to help them maintain their independence from Russia.

    We have no troops in the Arctic.

    But it was odd that Russia's claim to Arctic oil didn't result in much of a neocon response last year.

  4. First of all, you can't give every seperatist ethnic community its own sovereign nation.

    Second, they're not concerned specifically with this recognition as it was probably expected. They're most concerned with the overall situation, as it shows the absolute failure of the UN as a relevant organization.

  5. If the west can recoginize Georgia as being independent, then why can't Russia recognize Ossetia and Abkhazia? Bush thinks that he and his bullly NATO conspirators can push any country around that they want. Let the neocons p**s their pants and whine like the little dears that they are

    "This is not an easy choice to make, but it represents the only possibility to save human lives," Medvedev said Tuesday in a televised address.

    I believe what Medvedev says. With Ossetia as independent, Georgia can't invade them again with the justification that they think Ossetia is still a part of their province. If Bush still plans on invading Iran, they need Ossetia and Poti so Russia can't deploy their military down into Iran, and then there's the Caspian oil pipeline.

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