
Isn't it possible to have a boyfriend without kissing or having s*x with him?

by Guest56879  |  earlier

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My last question, everyone was saying how "not normal" I was for not wanting to kiss and have s*x or anything that has to do with bodily fluids exchanging....and many of ya'll was saying that there is no need for me to even have a boyfriend.

So are you telling me that the main reason to have a boyfriend is to kiss..have s*x and produce children???

I thought is was more to I wrong?




  1. Um yeah.  It is not that easy though.

  2. it's not just about the s*x. but i do love it. i just don't understand why you don't want to kiss a guy! i love kissing, it's my favorite part of being with someone. it's so intimate and...just good!

    not a lot of guys are into not kissing, but if you can find one that respects you for not wanting to kiss, and stays with you, then, congrats!

  3. maybe you're a L*****n, I won't judge you.

  4. No, you are right. There is more to a relationship than just s*x. But when you have stronge feelings for someone you might both decided to have s*x.

    But how old are you?

    Because you sound pretty young.

    And also just because you have stronge feelings for someone doesn't mean you have to have s*x, there are other ways to show someone you love them.

  5. I knew a couple once who wanted their first kiss to be the wedding kiss. They've been happily married for years and have several kids. You are right that there is more to a relationship than physical intimacy. However, as you grow to love the person, you begin to desire more physical contact because it increases your emotional intimacy.

  6. I don't see why this isn't possible. . . I've actually met some guys out there who take those sorts of things *very* seriously.  A good fraction of them seem to be pretty religious types, although they're actually not generally the "weird" religious types.  Some just are that way because that's how they feel.  If you can feel that way, is there some massive biological difference I'm not aware of that means a guy can't think like you do?

    P.S.  I hope you're taking into account that the usual crowd here seems to be skewed in the opposite direction from you relative to the general population when you look at the responses.

  7. no you are not wrong. in fact saving yourself for your husband   in the future is the best thing you can do(no worries and its only right) that also gives you a clearer view of the person you are dating to see if that is the only thing on their mind. you sound like someone that actually wants to have a relationship with a special person and not end up on "maury" trying to figure out wich of the 20 guys could be your babies daddy!! so stick to your guns and don't give in!!!!

  8. You do what you want to do, these a** holes that tell you it's not normal probably never even had a date in the first place.

  9. No, it is not possible to have a boyfriend and not do all those things. What you are describing is keeping a eunuch.  

  10. dear....  ur so right for not wanting s*x....  s*x is way overated....  an its lousy for us women....  but u need to understand somthing bout guys...  ALL guys want s*x!!!  ALL the time...  its all they think bout...  its all they live for....   evry guy i ever new...  i thot liked me an was being nice...  it turned out all they ever wanted was to get in my pants...  unless they were g*y....

    but u can still make frends with guys an string them along if ur gud looking...  an even if ur not...  guys will by u expensive gifts an do u all sorts of favors if they think u might sleep with them...  that is until they wise up an relize ur never going to put out...   lol...   but some guys r so dumb it takes them forever to catch on...

    sorry sweethart....  but if u want a boyfrend...  h**l ALWAYS expect s*x from u an will pressure u to put out... unless hes g*y...  maybe u wud do better with a g*y guy for a frend...  h**l still want to have s*x...  jus not with u...

  11. It's possible to have a boyfriend without any physical intimacy; it's just not possible to have him for long.

    I'm about the same age as you, and I can tell you that after three dates if I haven't had a kiss, it's time to cut my losses and move on.

    Fact is. if you are not being physically intimate then you don't have a boyfriend; what you have there is a friend who happens to be male.  Nothing wrong with that of course, but at 24 you can't really legitimately go around calling him your boyfriend, because he isn't.

  12. Yes, but you won't have him for very long if the time table for s*x is "never."

  13. It is very possible to have a boyfriend without physical intimacy. There is emotional intimacy, comfort and companionship of a relationship. Although many of the attributes outside of a physically intimate relationship could be the equivalent of just a close friend.  

  14. Yes, it is possible. I've been there. Due to some medical issues. it was very uncomfortable to be touched.

    Do what is right for you. I enjoy the warmth and mutual caring that is part of a relationship, which at least in my mind is the foundation before anything else. There is nothing wrong with showing affection, and sexual intercourse is just one way. There are other avenues.

    As far as marriage, it isn't for everyone. I have a steady relationship but I am not interested in getting married. I am a happy single, nothing wrong with that.

  15. Is it possible to have a client w***e relationship with a woman without paying her ?

    Seriously though if you want that kind of relationship as long as you are not nosey or worried what I do when Iam not with you, I have no issues.

  16. Are you an asexual? Asexuals are people who don't experience sexual feelings at all. They account for about 1% of the population.

    Yes, I do think you can have a boyfriend without kissing or s*x, but I think it's essential that you're honest and upfront about the fact that you will never want physical contact.

    I notice you don't believe in marriage. Is that because of physical contact issues? If so, be aware that there are asexual dating sites with men that feel exactly like you do.

  17. I have a friend.  I love him.  We don't kiss, we don't have s*x, we don't plan on getting married.  He's my best friend.

    I have a bf.  I love him.  We do kiss, we do have s*x and we are planning on getting married.  He's my friend and my boyfriend.

    You can have a relationship without kisses, s*x and wedding plans.  But I don't think you can have a "boyfriend" without those things.  Because you don't have a relationship that is going to lead to anything further.  You have a very close friendship.

  18. Well, if you are not interested in having any kind of physical contact with him, then surely that makes him just a friend rather than a boyfriend?  'Boyfriend' normally implies some kind of romantic attachment, which will generally involve holding hands, kissing, etc.  And in this day and age, more often than not, it will eventually lead to s*x.

    If your relationship doesn't involve s*x or any kind of physical contact, then in what respect is he a boyfriend rather than just a friend?  And is he happy with the arrangement as it stands?

  19. Yes you are wrong and stop with this s*x is not important nonsense.I don't know why it's so PC and in style to act as if satisfying a basic need is somehow unimportant or less than. The purpose of a relationship is what you want it to be but it's not going to survive without any intimacy, which is both mental and physical.

    You sound very inexperienced, which is not necessarily bad but your attitude towards is not going to lead to successful relationship, whatever that may be.

  20. You are a virgin, which is Great!! But, you dont believe in marrage? So, you dont plan on getting married...ever? There is no reason for you to have a bf if you dont plan on getting married to them after some years of dating. s*x doesnt matter, but if your relationship is not headed any where or you have nothing to look forward too, except, no s*x no kissing and no marrige, then whats the point. You have to give a person something to look forward to, you should just have guy friends who you just have fun with, but not a bf.

  21. Yes, it's possible. I do it all the time.

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