
Isn't it racist in itself to argue that one is limited or held back by race, or that it determines a group?

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Isn't it racist in itself to argue that one is limited or held back by race, or that it determines a group?




  1. yeah it is. its stupid. They wanna stop racism by being racist themselves. How do u accomplish that? lets stop war with war. lets stop killing by killing the killers. Does anyone actually think u can accomplish it by approaching the problem with that mentality.

  2. Racism is everywhere you go but when you allow it to make decisions for you, you never get ahead.  I have dealt with racism all my life but I use it to my benefit.  Don't retreat when someone throws it in your face; tackle it head-on and you'll see that its easily controllable.

  3. racism by technicality is g*y, and that's sexist.

  4. Sure it is..

    Any judgment that you can make about a race AS A WHOLE is a racist statement.

    We (as humans) are all individuals, with unique talents and abilities.  If you tear that individuality away from us, categorizing us and lumping us together for some purpose, you have harmed us as individuals.  And that "harm" is called, "Racism".

    I see no problem with being a "culturalist".  There are many cultures and sub-cultures that are grouped together for specific purposes....  NAMBLA comes to mind as a particularly abhorrent "sub-culture" that I have no problem grouping in my mind as disgusting without fear of being a "racists".  Because that culture (or sub-culture) is grouped for  the specific purpose of doing something that I find contrary to the public good.

    Races are not universally grouped for such a malignant purpose.

  5. The way i see it racism is the worst way of discrimination! When God created us, He created us equal in His eyes. We are different but we are all equal. I won't say we are limited by our race but in some instances and situations it unfortunately depends on our race if we say get a certain job or whatever. Especially in South Africa. This is wrong. We are all equal and no one should be said to be better than another. Apartheid is supose to be history. Let's leave it there! We are better off sharing and caring!

  6. Not if its fact or truth, it isn't racist. Although people who don't understand it, will say it's offensive.

    If you think that a certain race is bad, because of their race, that's racist.

  7. No, it's fact that some people are held back by race. The truth is ugly sometimes. No matter how we try to rationalize the cruel parts of life ..they are there.

  8. Depends if you are using a widely accepted definition of racist. I say that let's be realistic here. Race is really a reason for group segregation, and as the world is today, with all its systems, arguing that one is limited or held back by race is undeniable.

    I am not saying that race makes some things impossible for others to do, but rather I'm sticking to the question: Does race hold back or limit what one can possibly do? And the answer is a definite realistic yes. To say that race does not have an effect on how one lives is foolish in itself, because as we know, each human race celebrates a unique culture. From where I come from, we love eating "balot", or the unborn chick. And I believe some races cannot bear to even look at this balot that we have. thus race automatically becomes a limiting factor.

    Why am I arguing all this? It is because of a stigma that the word racist has. When someone is a racist, that person is evil for most. Well I say, if diversity helps to divide us clearly into our own different races, then what's racist about that? Where's the inherent evil there? And if by saying I am classifying people into what they most probably can or cannot do, can you brand me a racist? Because race does have an effect. Would you call me a racist if I was telling the truth that Race A is better than Race B at something? If it's the truth, nothing wrong about that. As short handed people have limited reach, so do other races have their own limitations based on their general identity.

    What is racist is if you use these perks and uniquenesses to outcast others. But an argument that there are limitations of Race X may be true, and thus, what we have is not racism, but the truth, something any race should learn to accept.

  9. I don't think it is.

    If it was State policy to deny Asians employment, and I made the statement:

    "In this country, due to State policy, Asians are held back by their race, because the State denies them employment."

    I would not be a racist. I would be making a factual observation. The racists would be the State policy-makers, not me.

    As for determining groups, that's too complicated for me to be bothered with.

  10. Racism exists today and it will exist in the future. It be nice to have Utopia but Utopia is very far from being a reality. Unfortunately, it is true. Sometimes a "victim" of racism is more racist than the racists themselves.

    I have seen abused the "I am a victim of race" excuse too much. It is sad when people try to abuse that for their own selfishness.

  11. I don't know if it is as much "race" as "culture". A cultural background does in fact limit and enhance one's possible life choices.

  12. Who is the majority? In this country who holds the power?  So if the majority is against another person or holds back a person or a group of people on the basis of their skin color then there is no agrument it is racism.  Look around here in the USA we are still facing racism and prejudice and people are still being held back because of skin color or hated because of skin color - so it not the group it is the majority and the minority is limited and held back because of their race, education, and economics and their success is based on that.  Don't believe visit the intercity and talk to those people there.

  13. Racism exists on all levels, psychosocioeconomic....and as such until there is no need to have dominant and subordinate roles then the connotation  of racial disparity and racial inequality will continue with all its adherent problematic dogmas and intentions

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