
Isn't it rude for people to stay up all night partying in a Motel when you're trying to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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I checked into this Motel. I went to bed around 9:00PM and about 10:30 people start slamming doors, laughing really loud,trying to talk over each other, and I heard Beer bottles in the background being thrown into the trashcan. This went on until 11:00 PM in the evening I had to call the manager and complain. They left I complained again a couple more times and I was able to only get 4 hours of sleep. Isn't the motel a place to sleep after traveling? I don't mind people having a good time, but not a Motel.




  1. Should've called the police and complained about the noise. That's what I would've done.

  2. You should of asked for a different room that was farther away from the partiers!

  3. ok you do know when people are having parties and if they cant do it at some1's house  it is usual at a motel.

    And yes that is very rude indeed i deal with this wwith my tenants every single night and i also cant go to sleep.

    And i bet you theses are twenty year olds

    twenty year olds these days are disgusting people and they have no respect for anybody, they jsut want to have fun and have s*x because they are bored with their lifes !

  4. Sounds pretty typical. I wouldn't start complaining until midnight. If the issue is not resolved in 15 minutes, I would tell the manager to move them to another room or be prepared to refund your room charge for the night. Then I would send a letter to the owner the next day explaining exactly what happened, the name of the manager on duty, and what you want done about it.

  5. There is a noise ordinance after a certain time (I don't know what time where you are) so you would be right in calling the police if the manager can't get them to stop. Some people choose to go to a hotel for the reason to have a party, but you're right they should respect the other guests.

  6. kinda what you expect when you get a motel, they're cheap and non supervised so kids can party ya your right its a place to sleep but you should know by know kids throwing parties there.  you did the right thing by telling the manager.

  7. They had every right to party, you should have asked for a different room away from the noise. The comfort of one does not over rule the comfort of many...

  8. Yes very rude!

    Unfortunately some kids who can't have parties at home with mom & dad present have hotel parties. Problem is everyone else has to suffer!

    I would have requested a comp night or something.

  9. Yes, it is rude, and it was inconsiderate of the motel staff to allow it to continue after you had complained several times.  Perhaps you might want to consider filing a complaint with the motel home office.

  10. Well I don't think that there is anything wrong with what they did.  Now if it was your home then that's something different but it's a motel.  I mean there are plenty of people who throw parties at hotels and I don't see anything wrong with it.  Recently I went to a party at a very nice hotel in pennsylvania which is also an indoor child waterpark and someone complained about the noise we were making but some people go out of time to have a good time and that includes a little bit of noise.  And it was not that late it was only 10:30.  I think you should have just asked to move your room.

  11. read^^^^

  12. Yeah but how much did you pay for a night in that hotel? Under $150 a night? Well then thats to be expected.

    Where else are those partyers going to go?

    Try a more upscale place next time.

  13. Motels SUCK! I know hotels are more expensive, but they DO have better service and there arent usually any drunk rednecks in a hotel

  14. It's up to the hotel management to control their guests, if they do not, you have a right to ask for a reduction of your rate, or even to have the room comped for that night.

  15. would you rather you be in your house and have your neighbors partying where they cant get complaints like at a motel and party even longer?

    EDIT** but i still think its rude

  16. naw dats pretty normal if u ask me xD

  17. It's a motel people don't go to sleep they go for a room of privacy to do their things if you know what I mean there where problably doing it so go to a hotel if you want to sleep.

  18. A Hotel is a placee to stayy for traveling not motel motels are for s***s and etc. one nite standers lol but i agree with u tho completelyy tho 100%

  19. Yes I hate that too, 9 PM may be early for sleep, but if your unlucky enough to get a room in a full hotel and you have some youth club or whatever making unbearable noise, it's like throwing your money away

  20. i no this isnt the answer u want to here but motels are cheep and they dont want there house ruined. therefore making a motel a good place to party. u were just an unlucky one who got the room next to them. i was on a trip to washington with skool and six of us were in conected rooms. we were SO loud. and our teachers didnt yell at the complaints people and our gard gave us.

    suck it up. it will be ok. if u were a partier u would have done the same thing.

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