
Isn't it sad that we live in a world where only human intelligence runs it all, nothing else exists?

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No spirituality, nothing higher or nothing great or magical or noble,

just us humans and our brains/intellingence, and self serving, etc?

It's rather depressing, especially since it means that there is absoltely no justice, no equality, no morals, or anything really that seems to apply.

Just a cold, unfair, S****y world.

Why do we bother living in a place like this? It's just sad.




  1. doesn't bother the ants  

  2. it would be kind of cool to have other life forms on this planet who were as intelligent as us. this would definately stop racism. but it would cause speciesism. ha ha ha.

  3. God is invisible, yet He owns, knows, hears, sees all, and can do anything He wishes. He is the one who put us here for His purpose: to love, serve, and become like Him in character. He is Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.

    The reason why the world is a mess, is because of man's lame intelligence from the beginning (Adam's). Through deception by Satan, man has thought he could run the universe independently of God.

    But regardless of what you may hear and see, God is still in control; He answers prayers, does miracles, brings justice, and will always have representatives on earth who are a light to this cold world.

    If you seek Him sincerely, you'll find Him. If you live for Him by confessing and believing on His Son, Jesus Christ, He will reveal Himself to show there is far more to this universe than vain man.

  4. Yes, I agree that it would be very depressing if there was no Deity.

    But there is a God who's always watching over us, so we don't have to be depressed.


  5. Well dude, it wasn't my choice to be living in this world...

    i guess you gotta live with what you have. Life is for living after all - and if the world throws **** at ya, just slap it back in its face!

  6. Stop feeling so depress about your life.Stop complain and be happy that your still living.There is a God why dont you look for him.Why dont you go to church and pray try something new.Don't say there is no God prove it look for him.Pick up the bible and read.Your bored of live and you only thing like this because your boerd.Ask yourself this....why are you boerd what else do you want with life.Find something fun to do and foucs on that.Clear your mind think more about life and really focus.Its going to help you on your thinking about this topic.Cheer up i know your not the only one that things like that i do to pero theres more to life you just have to find something you want to do .

    Message me if you want to talk more about this man

  7. I don't consider myself a religious person, but there is a difference between religion and spirituality.  I think spirituality can be anything you choose.  You should read this book called "The Holographic Universe".  It theorizes that everything in the universe is connected-we're all separate and together at the same time and it uses the analogy of a hologram to explain this.  I think the reason we are here is just to learn and grow as people.  In bettering yourself, you also better the world.  In being kind to others, you're being kind to the world.  Just because a person doesn't believe in God, that doesn't mean that they have to be depressed about the state of the world.  You can help change it, just a little at a time.

  8. We bather cause to many people are affiad to die and i like being the higer beging.... i wouldn't want to be the ant on the floor.... do you see what little kids do to ants!!!! lol

  9. I think it's more sad to think human intelligence came out of thin air without the assistance of God placing it in humans. No wonder atheists are so miserable and overpowered by evil which blocks feeling and knowing God in them, leaving them with meaningless. Do you also believe your table or speakers can spontaneously get human/God intelligence, or would they have to be installed by a master?

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