
Isn't it sad the rebublicans are more proud of their vp candidate than mccain?

by Guest59565  |  earlier

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Isn't it sad the rebublicans are more proud of their vp candidate than mccain?




  1. choosing her the republicans have made a shrewd political they are sure to get their fair 50% of media coverage... I support Obama but I also like good politics...that McCain guy...he was down in the primaries...but now here he is...the guy has steel in him.  

  2. What's sad is that the Democrats are in complete denial that they have already lost the election, beacause of a pitiful excuse for presidential candidate or VP.

    Poor Democrats, the only chance they had is gone and she already ran the country for eight years before. When I say ran the country, I mean ran it into the ground......GO DEMOCRATS GO! HA HA.

    By the way, Islam can't run the free countries.

  3. its not that they are more proud of Palin. they just have to defend her being picked. thats what they do. condemn the views and past of peolple when the people are liberals. but if there right wing conservatives the same situations are hometown family values

  4. Actually, no - it's funny that many are saying Palin is the only exciting thing to happen to the conservative movement in years.

  5. No, But they are enthusiastic about the fact that she represents the Americanism that made America.

    Paln also illustrates the fact that McCain is THE candidate of change.  

  6. mmm...actually....NO!..don't know where you get the're obviously not too in touch with the reality of the situation!

  7. I can only surmise you -thought- this made sense.

    McCain and Republicans are -very- proud of Sarah Palin. Even on her own, she has 10 times the experience of  "the community organizer".^

  8. We are proud of both

    Now run along and make up lies about her 4 month old baby or her belonging to a party that wants to leave the U.S. or posting links to badly photoshopped pics like a good little Obama supporter

  9. Isn't it so amazing that one person can have a great set of balls, yet also have such composure and be a lady at the same time.'

    Sarah is my hero!

  10. No, what's sad is how little the Dems look right now.

    Present company included, of course.

  11. Wrong! I am more proud of McCain. I am so excited to vote for McCain and have been since the beginning. Palin  just makes me even more excited! McCain / Palin 2008!!!  

  12. Well I'm a republican and certainly not.  I am proud, however, that our VP candidate is more qualified than your head honcho =]

  13. The entire republican party is pathetically misguided.

  14. I know, it is sad that Palin has to be the Pres and talk for Mcsame. She did a terrible job on her speech and will do it in the white house if elected. I will vote Obama.

  15. Wrong, you got it all wrong.

    The Republicans are proud of him for choosing her

    and proud of her for being so good!

  16. I guess McCain is smarter than I thought.

  17. Yes.  and isn't it sad how the republican's vp choice has more political experience than the democrat's presidential choice?

  18. ok if i don't use capitals either?  you may also be sad next november when the american people are more proud of the republican vp candidate than the democrat pres candidate.

    also, if obama loses, will michelle stop being proud of her country?

  19. Where did you get that information?  She is a new face on the ticket.  And we are fired up about his choice!!

    Unlike when Obama picked Biden...and the democratic party just shrugged their shoulders and yawned!!

  20. No, not proud.. Ecstatic!  Because the dem vp is null and that was one heck of a strategic play from the GOP.. It just does not get better than this.. If Obama were indeed intelligent, he would have picked Clinton, but even he could not decide and so, his text was 24 hours late.. how embarrassing is that?  I bet you waited for it too - all day?  lol  

  21. You base your question on what?

    I am equally proud of John McCain and Sarah Palin, each for their service to our country, and their love for their families!

  22. What's sad is that Democrats don't realize that THEY should be more proud of their VP candidate than Obama.

  23. At least we have a VP candidate that we would love to have as president. More than you can say for the other side.

  24. Not sad.  Funny.

  25. because McCain is dried up and they know she will be the president...not Obama got this! it's all for show and tell! haha

  26. What the heck are you watching?  Every person that has spoke has mentioned in detail how McCain is a war hero and maverick.  Palin is getting attention because she is new and Dems are freaking out and soiling their pants over her.  Welcome back to earth, honey.

  27. better than the democrat candidate that IGNORED 18 MILLION PEOPLE.

  28. Proud that McCain is a war hero with a LOT of experience, that he is willing to work with both democrats and republicans.

    Proud of Palin for her track record and her integrity.

  29. NOT VOTING FOR THIS COUPLE. May have for McCain as he has something to offer. BUT he is not in control and the rep machine is telling him what to do. She is sneering, looks down on people, cheap-shot (even taking on Michele O when O said even families are off the table....she was directly selling hereself as a comparison to Michelle O or as the first lady......CINDY watch out for her!!!!!!!!!!!) , not intelligent, sarcastic, hypocrite, belittling everyone, and a shame if she ever comes to the lower 48. She comes across as a cheap woman, doesnt seem to have judgement, is loud mouth and a just a good cheerleader but imagine if we had a hockey mom as our first president instead of George Washington!!!!!!!!!!!! Presidency requires an extradorinary person not a commoner as you are entrusted with the country's future esp. in these times. GET the right vote out as she would be a bigger disaster than BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO MORE upto possible 12 years BUSH-type reign if she get elected for this country. SHE reminds you of Carly Forina who also came with a gung-ho and made a mess of HP. SHE is a hypocrite on family values, she really is prochoice (as she said she encouraged her daughter to have the baby - SO SHE GAVE HER THE CHOICE!!! so is she pro-choice), she hired a lobbing agent to get earmarks for her town and she now oposes them, she kept the money (over $200 million) for the bridge to nowhere. McCain is just using a pretty gal for politics....oh! dont they do it when you want to sell a lemon to someone!

  30. Being a woman I am proud that there is someone I can relate to on the ticket.  As a republican I am proud of both my candidates for making the right choices for our country.

  31. Lol so true. Sometimes I forget that McCain is actually running. It is all about Palin now.

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