
Isn't it scary to think of all those normal Germans, who didn't notice what was happening in their country ?

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in the 1930's, even when Hitler started using the word heimland, (homeland), they didn't guess it was anything to do with what he was up to.

We're not so stupid nowadays, are we?




  1. This is not such a cut and dry question.  You have to go back to the end of WW I.  The Europeans wanted their pound of flesh from the Germans after the horrible destruction of the war.  Well, they got it, but it left Germany broke and humiliated.  They also suffered from a depression and hard times. Well, along comes some little housepainter who whipped up national pride and nationalism in it's worst form.  For whatever reason he was disposed to hate the Jews (I think there has always been a prevailing prejudice against them in Europe) and decided to blame all Germany' s problems on them.  We all know how it ended up.  Yes, the Germans had to face the fact that they turned their backs on what was right and allowed horrible atrocities to take place, but they have done much to make sure that it never happens again.  They do not allow the Mien Kampf to be read there, and it is illegal to be a n**i.

    If you would like to see how it could happen today, you might try to find a TV movie that was made in the 70's based on a true story about a teacher's attempt to show his students how it could happen again.  It was called "The Third Wave".  I don't know if it is possible to get a hold of, but if you could, you would understand and it would make you a little afraid.

  2. I believe the kool aid drinkers are.

  3. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem...

    But then if UNPATRIOTIC and UNAMERICAN are scary labels, I guess its easier to bow to the party line, in public...

    Isnt that how sending kids to the Hitler youth got started... go with the flow, conform, even if you privately disagree?

  4. i had often wondered how that could have i see it first hand

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