
Isn't it somewhat of a good thing that teenaged girls get knocked up from their loser teenage boy friends?

by  |  earlier

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In someways, I think it's a good thing ... because someone has to shine my shoes. Someone has to clean my car. Someone has to mow my lawn. Someone has to deliver my pizza to my house. Generally speaking, the morons who knock up their girl friends at young ages before the age of 25 end up repeating the cycle. They don't have time to go to college (even if they try, they normally don't finish), end up working minimum wage dead beat jobs, and never proceed on with their life and become stagnant. There's always an exception to the rule, but generally speaking, this is what normally happens. So in a way, the stupid teenage guys who knock up their girl friends, are supporting the economy. I just get a thrill out of seeing a 32 year old pizza guy delivering a pizza to my house.




  1. Let's consider a closed economy (such as a small town). Everyone in this town has a PHD in engineering. Who will mow lawns, clean cars, and shine shoes? What will happen is the price of those services will bid up until someone with a PHD in engineering is willing to do those jobs for the money. So instead of making $8/hr mowing lawns, the person could make like $45/hr or more. There's probably going to be a lot of people willing to work a dead beat job if they are paid enough.

    Anyone can do low-skill jobs, so we don't need "stupid teenage guys" to do those jobs. Without "stupid teenage guys", employers of dead beat jobs will have to offer higher wages until they attract the people with college degrees. So, the economy would still survive, but it would be a bit slower becuase consumers would pay more for services that used to be cheap.


  2. well ya and no. it is cuz they need to learn and no bcuz sumtimes they cant move on in life and it jus screws em up. sum girls jus need a guy to prove that they arent jus a loser and wen they get dumped then they think of it like they ARE a loser and they arent good enough for anyone or anything. sum girls jus need a guy to do everything for her!! lol ^.^ !! well even though it supports the economy in some way, its not rite and u prob no that but o well. even though you call the guys morons for what they did, the girls that let that get in their way in life are the real morons...

    hope i helped some!! ^.^

  3. I believe these people could instead be more productive by going to college and becoming more invested in making our economy stronger.

    Therefore, I do not see this to be a good thing.  

  4. NO, it is NOT "somewhat" of a good thing. How can you justify this? Your statements show no proof that your assertion, that this is a good thing, is TRUE. You say, "this is what normally happens." yet I see no credible authority or any facts to back up this statement. Exactly HOW do you KNOW this to be true? Show me facts to back up your assertions. You have simply connected anecdotes together in an effort to defame the character of others and show your bigotry under the guise of asking a question. I am 60, retired early at 55 with a pension, and it is enough to pay the bills, but not enough to buy a new  car, so by what you have said, if I choose to earn a little more money by delivering a pizza or two so I can buy a new car, that would make me a loser then?  

  5. Not if you have teenage girls.  Then it's grounds for chemical castration.  It's not like they won't still be available to do the menial tasks you have planned for them.  They just won't be thinking about my daughters while they're doing them, so they'll be more efficient.

  6. Ha ha!!!  I love it!!!!  

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