
Isn't it strange that the same Feminists that told Palin just because she is a woman?

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doesn't mean she can't accomplish great goals in life; now want her to "stay at home" and take care of her family? Or do they not practice what they preach?




  1. She's not qualified for the job to be the next in line in case McCain dies.  I think she should go back home and take care of her kids. That includes her 5 month old with down syndrome and care for her teenage daughters baby as well because we know she'll need it.  The woman has too much baggage and she's already overshadowing McCain with bad publicity.

  2. If you choose to have a special needs child, you best be prepared to choose that child over your career.  Her pro-life stance is what's being ridiculed. Once they are out of the womb, ta ta!

  3. Mostly, we told her that you should give equal pay for equal work.

    She ignored us, though.

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